Notice ID: FA7014-25-R-PKHB11
The Government has a potential requirement to provide professional support, sustainment, and modernization of the current A1 Virtual Data Center (A1 VDC) which is a fully functioning commercial cloud environment capable of supporting applications in the Air Force A1 and A1 DTA portfolios, and for building out the A1 Multi-Cloud Ecosystem (A1 MCE) landing zone.
Commercial Professional Services would be performed to ensure continued operations of the existing environment, execution and management of multi-cloud ecosystems, modernization/optimization (i.e. enhancing common shared services, streamlining processes, and achieving cost efficiencies), execution and management of Big Data and AI initiatives, execution of emerging technologies across a multi-cloud ecosystem, and increase capabilities of the cloud environment per applicable information technology (IT) guidance, as well as, DoD and Air Force directives/policies across multiple Impact Levels including IL6.
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