USAF RFI: AFSOC Integrated Mission Systems support

Background Information

This RFI is in support of the AEMI initiative. In this RFI, the Government seeks information on technical approaches and potential solutions to directly support Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) through the operation, maintenance and development of the specialized AEMI infrastructure. A worldwide mission set, and diverse support requirements lead to a wide variety of mission activities at nine (9) permanent locations as well as temporary locations throughout the world. AEMI provides primary support to AFSOC Special Operations Advanced Capability Squadron (SOACS), AFSOC operations centers, and secondary support to all other AFSOC Special Operations Wings (SOW), Special Operations Groups (SOG), Special Tactics Groups (STG) and Special Operations Squadrons (SOS).

2.1. Scope of the Requirement

Please refer to Attachment 1 for the Scope of the Requirement as outlined in the Draft Performance Work Statement (PWS).

2.2. Anticipated Contract Line Item (CLIN) Structure

X001 Mission Systems Labor Support FFP

X002 Mission Planning Labor Support FFP

X003 Mission Enclave Labor Support FFP

X004 Deployed Mission Support CPFF or T&M

X005 Operational Development CPFF

X006 Travel CR

X007 Other Direct Costs (ODCs) CR

We invite industry feedback on the proposed contract types for each CLIN listed. Please review and provide any applicable input regarding the appropriateness of the suggested contract types—Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF), Cost-Reimbursement (CR), Time and Materials (T&M), or Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP)—to ensure they align with the scope and requirements of each support area. Additionally, please provide your experience with T&M contracts and whether you believe this structure would be suitable for Deployed Mission Support (CLIN X004) or any other CLIN listed.

Your input on the suitability of these contract types for each CLIN is valuable in shaping the final acquisition approach.

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