Notice ID: FDA-RFI-75F40125Q00020
The purpose of this IDIQ is to obtain business information and data management support services that will extend the Agency’s master data management capabilities for business entities and increase the quality, extent, and accessibility of information on business entities that interact with FDA, both directly and indirectly. The IDIQ will allow the Agency to develop an enterprise-wide and cohesive approach to collecting, maintaining, and integrating business entity information, and enhance data quality, in addition to enhancing risk assessment regarding regulated products and those who manufacture, process, or distribute them. Hence, the Agency seeks to engage outside expert consultants, data, systems, and services to provide, as required under specific IDIQ Task orders, support for business entity data management.
FDA’s data strategy goal is to implement an enterprise master data management program to improve the completeness and accuracy of existing and incoming data, and ensure all business data are accurate, consistent, and fit for purpose across operational and analytical systems that interact with the Agency. This goal is accomplishable through a multi-tiered approach aimed at prioritized and focused components of enterprise data management and enterprise data interoperability …
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