Notice ID:  W912HQ24S0047


The contractor is to review current database and API functionality and help formulate a plan for implementing an authorization scheme granting and restricting access to specific records.  Our current data model utilizes 32 individual databases by USACE Water Management Offices. Each office defines the times series ID that they determine to be public.  Those specific public time series values are then replicated using Goldengate into a single public database where the public has access to the data either through our API or a public website.

Our current database and API model allows public access to all data in the database.  We are migrating to a data model where data from all 32 offices will be in a single database. This includes both public and private data. A capability is necessary to restrict access to data either within the database or through the API based on the user.  Public and Private data can both reside in a single table or View in Oracle and would be restricted based on the identifying ID of that object and possibly time.

The objective of this contract is to develop a detailed plan on how to implement the Authorization Scheme into the CWMS Data API and then implement the created plan. This will include a review of our current data Schema and API to determine the best path forward …


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