Updated September 7, 2024

Unique Entity ID: C4Z2WP7HE5N5
Total Contract Value: $27,265,197.02
Action Obligation: $27,265,196.97
Description: enterprise organizational messaging systems support services
Number of Bidders: 1
Award ID: 19AQMM24C0105
RFP ID: 19AQMM24R0116
Set Aside Used: 8(a) Sole Source
Major Program Supported:
NAICS: 541519
Award Type: Definitive Contract
Start Date: 2024-08-31
Ultimate Completion Date: 2026-02-28

Added September 4, 2024

Notice ID: 19AQMM24R0116

  • Contract Award Date: Aug 29, 2024
  • Contract Award Number: 19AQMM24C0105

The Department of State (DOS) is making a sole source contract award under the 8(a) business development program a requirement for Enterprise Organizational Messaging Support Services (EOMS). This is a procurement of follow-on services, and the incumbent contractor, Techniko was awarded the prior contract as an 8(a) competitively awarded contract. Techniko is not eligible for the follow-on, since they have graduated from the 8(a) program. Therefore, a sole source award to Zenpoint Solutions, LLC under the 8(a) business development program. Zenpoint Solutions has been determined to be the only 8(a) company capable of fulfilling this urgent short-term contract, and a fully executed justification and approval (J&A) document is attached. The required services include essential information technology support services for the Bureau of Diplomatic Technology (DT).

The U.S. Department of State (DOS) Office of Acquisitions Management (AQM) proposes to enter into a contract on the basis of other than full and open competition with Zenpoint, LLC, reference Contract #19AQMM18F3367 to provide a full range of information Technology (IT) services with highly skilled, qualified and experienced business, technical and program management personnel to meet mission critical needs on behalf of the Bureau of Diplomatic Technology (DT). DT estimates that the follow-on contract total life cycle cost would be $73,072,429.35.

Department of State (DOS) Acquisition Management (AQM) is requesting a contract for a one (12)-month base period followed by two (3)-month option periods.

The work performed during the new award contract completes and/or continues activities currently being performed on the 19AQMM18F3367 contract. The new contract period is required to ensure that the Department maintains continuity in mission critical functions and sustains essential IT services. The new award will enable the Department to replace the existing task order that will expire August 30, 2024.

Market research will be conducted to determine the appropriate acquisition strategy for the follow-on requirement.

Zenpoint, LLC will provide a full range of services involving highly skilled, qualified, and experienced business, technical and program management personnel specializing in Technical and IT security services to support government operations. These services, which are critical to operations throughout the department are:

  • Program and Project Management Services
  • Cloud computing services
  • Software development services …

Read more here.


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