Updated August 8, 2024

NASA announced this evening that it is implementing a strategic pause on the SEWP VI Request for Proposals. The due date for proposals will be extended at a future date. See the announcement below.

See the announcement below. Note: One forward-thinking Proposal/Capture consultancy will be holding a series of events to help gather and provide feedback to NASA on this important procurement. More below.

“NASA appreciates industry interest in the SEWP VI Request for Proposal and the submitted questions. We value collaboration, and we strive to ensure a transparent process for our industry partners.

In consideration of this, NASA is implementing a strategic pause on the SEWP VI Request for Proposals.

The due date for proposals will be extended at a future date. NASA anticipates completing the below activities and intends to communicate updates via SAM.gov and the SEWP website (sewp.nasa.gov).

  • A future amendment will be published after NASA completes a review of its RFP and Q&A received to determine if substantive clarifications or changes are required.  This activity is anticipated to take a few weeks.
  • An Industry Day will be scheduled to discuss any substantive changes to the RFP prior to proposal receipt.
  • The new proposal receipt date will be communicated after the above activities and will allow time for industry to submit proposals.

Again, NASA appreciates the feedback received and values its partnership with Industry. Please continue to check SAM.gov and the SEWP Website for ongoing communications and updates.

Thank you for the interest in SEWP VI.”

See the announcement here


It is worth noting that Robert Turner with rTurner Consulting plans to hold “a series of “Reverse Industry Days” where he will collect feedback from clients and colleagues with the intention of documenting the critical issues and recommendations for NASA HQ Contracting.

This will be an in-depth series of sessions designed to create specific recommendations on how recommendations for NASA “can and should modify the SEWP VI RFP to create a successful, biddable GWAC solicitation.”

Reach out and let him know if you would like to participate at robert@rturner.net



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