PR: DGR Wins Support Services Contract to Provide Data Migration and Syndication Sustainment for Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Dynamic Government Resources (DGR) – an SBA-approved Mentor-Protégé Program Joint Venture (JV) comprised of BDR Solutions, LLC (BDR) (managing venturer) and Favor TechConsulting, LLC (FTC) (JV member) – will support data migration and syndication sustainment on a $20M contract for VA’s Office of Information & Technology (OIT), Business Intelligence Services Line (BISL). This one-year base, four 12-month term contract was awarded to DGR on the VA’s Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology-Next Generation (T4NG) contract vehicle—an enterprise contractual solution covering a wide range of Information Technology (IT) and Health IT services, including program management and strategic planning, systems and software engineering, enterprise networks, cyber security, operations and maintenance.

The VA is currently replacing the current Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, the Veterans Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA), with the Cerner Millennium solution To accomplish this task, all relevant VA/VistA data must be continuously migrated into the Cerner environment and written back to the VA (also referred to as Data Syndication). The syndicated data merges with VistA and other VA systems for Veterans Health Administration (VHA) reporting, analytics, and decision support.

Over the next five years, DGR will support the primary strategy for EHRM data migration and syndication: the migration and extraction of data in and out of Cerner, the delivery of data to a central location, and the distribution of data to necessary VA systems for reporting, applications, and analytics. DGR will support efforts to architect and enhance the current data and infrastructure as we implement, enhance, and maintain the VX130 classes for VistA that are sent to Cerner. Because the software will require development as changes to the system and servers takes place, we will support Windows system administration; Linux System Administration, Intersystems Cache System Administration; .NET and Cache Development; Data Syndication; Cloud Data Import and Administration; Cloud Data Architecture; Data Architecture SQL Script Development; Web Development; Database administration; Storage Management for very large databases; LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network) monitoring; and Project Management. DGR will also implement application programming interfaces, databases, and other techniques to make data available across the VA enterprise that is returned from VA’s EHR.

See the post here.


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