Notice ID: 36C10B24Q0253
VA has identified a need to conduct proactive remediation of critical ICT, including but not limited to documents, web hosted application and web pages. Additionally, there must be a process to expedite remediation when specifically requested by a user with a disability. This PWS defines the capabilities the PWS Section 508 Program Office deems necessary for the Contractor to effectively support such a scope.
The Contractor shall conduct VA Department-wide Section 508 remediation of VA ICT products to ensure products are Section 508 compliant and accessible per US Access Board requirements (Revised 508 Standards and 255 Guidelines ( VA ICT products shall include but not limited to websites, mobile applications, SharePoint sites, web hosted applications, eLearning, and documents. All remediation shall be measured and reported to Section 508 program office, VA Leadership, product stakeholders and other congressional and government parties. Results shall include product information, conformance status and remediated efforts. Contractor shall provide report showing remediated product has no Section 508 standards violations. Reports shall be available upon demand and at a minimum provided weekly. The Contractor shall provide demonstrations and explanations of any Section 508 remediation. The Contractor shall provide virtual Section 508 remediation training on accessibility standards found non-compliant. The Contractor shall provide remediation metrics and trend analysis to Section 508 program office for distribution to various organizations within VA and directly to the VA CIO as an important aspect of improving accessibility within VA.
The Contractor shall provide support including:
- Project Management Support
- Remediation Services
- Proactive Remediation Services
- Reactive (“On Demand”) Remediation Services
- Continuous Process Improvement
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