Notice ID 36C10B23Q0508
The contractor shall provide a commercial off the shelf (COTS) software ERMSA software and ongoing support service. The software application must be able to discover redundant, duplicate, obsolete, and unnecessary data and remediate information at risk of spillage. The software application must also inventory electronic content holdings in file shares, SharePoint, Microsoft Exchange, and other repositories (including cloud-based repositories), identify duplicated content and delete files as appropriate, remediate sensitive content such as personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), agency confidential documents including Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), and other information that should be controlled to minimize risk. VA intends to conduct a review of this documentation via VA employees utilizing the software. The contractor shall provide an electronic records management software application that will enable VACO to identify and categorize documents by using policy metadata extraction to meet the agency specific Records Management Standards and model records against the General Records Schedule and or Records Control Schedules. The software application must be able to develop records taxonomies and file plans that can be used to discover and auto-categorize files into retention schedules and manage the content in place or migrate it to restructured file shares or other systems. Also, provide an automated method of monitoring ongoing compliance with information governance policies and updating taxonomies and records metadata. The contractor shall provide an electronic records management software application that will identify documents that are due for disposition based on internal and external policies, tag metadata, and mark-up documents for review, deletion, and migration…
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