VA RFI: Financial Data Reconciliation Support Services

Notice ID:  36C10B24Q0337

The purpose of this RFI is to identify qualified vendors, who are able to meet Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) requirements for Financial Data Reconciliation Support Services.

SCOPE OF WORK. The Contractor shall provide dedicated staff with experience supporting, operating, and maintaining VA core financial systems (which includes FMS, MinX, and FRDW) and the numerous interfaces that integrate daily with VA financial systems. This includes a detailed understanding of how financial transactions and data are processed by VA’s financial community, which is comprised of the Administrations, Staff Offices, Office of Finance (OF) and the Financial Services Center (FSC). It also includes a detailed understanding of how OF’s suite of systems and tools are used to process all financial transactions and data from source points to end points.

The Contractor shall have a detailed knowledge of current database table structure and relationships (See Figure 1 for a comprehensive drawing of the table and a wire diagram of the IT infrastructure that supports OF’s operational environment). Given the age of FMS, the system is prone to system abends during nightly processing of financial transactions from interfaces supporting al VA administrations and staff offices. Long periods of downtime or frequent downtimes would catastrophically impact Veterans and their caregivers to obtain timely health care and benefits. System downtime is a severe risk to VA’s operations and its ability to demonstrate sound financial stewardship. A system failure would absolutely erode the …

The Contractor shall have technical knowledge of Treasury’s United States Standard General Ledger (USSGL) and financial statement crosswalks, VA-specific accounting and structure, and how associated data relates to the financial systems and tools VA OF uses to maintain compliance with financial audit and accounting standards OMB, Treasury, Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, etc.

The Contractor shall implement mandated accounting and reporting requirements (that involve data-related configuration changes) from central agencies such as Treasury on an as needed basis and in a timely manner. This also includes having a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of existing system workarounds within FMS, MinX, and Financial Reporting Data Warehouse (FRDW) that have been implemented to …

The PoP shall be 12 months from date of award, with up to four (4) 12-month option year and ten (10) optional tasks, to be exercised at the Government’s discretion.

Read more here.


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