USTRANSCOM RFI: $175M Enterprise Architecture, Data, and Engineering (EADE)

Notice ID:  TRANSCOM24D005

The objective of the EADE acquisition is to achieve greater efficiencies and collaboration across the USTRANSCOM and its Transportation Component Commands (TCCs). USTRANSCOM, Air Mobility Command (AMC) supported by Air Force Lifecycle Management Center (AFLCMC) and the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) require enterprise architecture, data management, engineering, and architecture tools sustainment support. The Government, as the Transportation Enterprise, expects to continue integration efforts to support and perform analysis across enterprise, systems of systems, and individual system levels and develop enterprise strategies, technical standards, and services as the command transitions into commercial cloud services and future capabilities.

The scope of this requirement is to acquire enterprise architecture, enterprise data management, and information technology engineering services for USTRANSCOM and its TCCs.

The scope of architecture, data management, and engineering services include operational and system perspectives of Command and Control (C2), planning, transportation, logistics, and business support system domains. Informed by strategic vision documentation, the contractor will provide architecture, data management, and engineering support. Additionally, this contract will support prototyping, information support plan development, software development, and system administration that allows EA data to reside in all integrated architecture tool suites identified in paragraph 6. This PWS procures an integrated enterprise architecture from the enterprise level through the solution level and across architectures. Integration is achieved through an architecture tool suite, standardized templates and guidelines, training, and the architecture review process. The work effort will support engineering and analytical services required to support and implement USTRANSCOM and its TCCs operational and system requirement(s) solutions. The contractor shall possess an understanding of the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF), the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF), Unified Architecture Framework (UAF), the Business Process Model Notation (BPMN), Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA), and relationships/dependencies between architecture models to support assigned projects. This allows Government personnel to conduct impact analyses on the enterprise, systems of systems, and individual system levels.

Services and support anticipated under this contract exist within the scope of the following performance areas:

Performance Area 1 – Contract and Program Management

Performance Area 2 – Enterprise Architecture

Performance Area 3 – Enterprise Data Management

Performance Area 4 – Enterprise Architecture, Data and/or Engineering Tools

Performance Area 5 – Enterprise Engineering

Performance Area 6 – Information Support Plan/Enhanced Information Support Plan Performance Area 7 – Agile Capability Development

Performance Area 8 – Prototyping and Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Support

The contractor must have a valid Facility Security Clearance (FCL) at the TOP SECRET level. FCL procedures and security guidelines for …

The current IDIQ, Contract HTC71120DD002, supports 10 Task Orders which provide enterprise architecture, data, and engineering support to USTRANSCOM, AMC, SDDC, and the JECC.

Incumbent Contract Number: HTC71120DD002 Incumbent Contractor: UNCOMN, LLC Incumbent Contract Types: Firm Fixed Price (FFP), Labor Hour (LH), and Cost Incumbent Award Value: ~$175 million Incumbent Contract Acquisition Strategy: 100% Small Business Set-Aside Incumbent Contract Ordering Period: 12 May 2020 – 11 May 2025

RFI One-on-One Information and SAVE THE DATE: Industry One-on-One Sessions via MS TEAMS.

Read more here.


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