Notice ID: TRANSCOM24D002
The Defense Personal Property Program (DP3) is a Department of Defense (DoD) program administered by the Commander, USTRANSCOM in accordance with Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 4500.57, Transportation and Traffic Management. The DP3 is responsible for executing household goods and privately owned vehicle shipping and storage programs for military service and U.S. Coast Guard members, Department of Defense (DoD) civilians, and their families. The DP3 serves as a centralized, integrated program designed to generate year-round quality capacity and ensure program accountability exists to meet DoD’s personnel relocation needs.
The Defense Personal Property System (DPS) Technical Support Center (DTSC) is an inbound and outbound call resolution center servicing multiple transportation, finance, scheduling, Identity and Access Management (IDAM), personal property, and related applications. The DMS supports Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) Low and Medium level applications, as well as, specific transportation support operations external to USTRANSCOM.
The purpose of this contract is to acquire specialized technical and functional support, Tier I and/or Tier II technical support services for the DPS applications, capability, and business functions. The following applications shall be supported (Appendix A provides a description of each application):
Defense Personal Property System (DPS) includes the DPS/TOPS Module and DP3
MilMove System for the Defense Personal Property Program Increment 4
Support shall include DTSC Tier I call resolution, sustainment, and maintenance of the ticketing software (presently ServiceNow (SNOW)), Defense Personal Property System (DPS) IT System support and DP3 operational support. All tasks shall be performed in accordance with (IAW) regulations and guidelines addressed in this PWS. A ticketing software (SNOW or equivalent) must be approved by the Government and will be reimbursed under the Other Direct Cost (ODC) contract line item (CLIN). The ticketing software is required to create, track, escalate and de-escalate technical support issues. The ticketing software must also provide multiple reporting capabilities, as well as, providing the ability to manage all inbound and outbound technical service interactions with customers and the DTSC. The ticketing software must provide customer information to the Technical Support Representative (TSR) at the time of the call, the ability to search for known solutions and to bring technical support issues to a resolution quickly and efficiently.
This requirement includes gathering customer profile information including names, phone numbers, email, customer organization history, activities, requirements, past problems, and associated documentation for use in USTRANSCOM customer relationship management (CRM) strategy to provide Technical Support Representatives (TSR) an effective customer identity management approach. USTRANSCOM requires the use of an integrated call management solution, with automated call distribution, that directs customers to the appropriate TSR based on customer’s responses.
In the future, the DTSC may be required to provide technical support for the use of alternative services supporting external applications. These external applications will be negotiated and implemented on a case-by-case basis.
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