Notice ID: TRANSCOM23D020
The ICODES is a joint decision-support system developed to assist users with the staging and load-planning requirements for multiple military and commercial modes of transportation. Additionally, the system provides a unit move capability for the United States Marine Corps (USMC), United States Navy (USN), and United States Coast Guard (USCG). The system incorporates intelligent tools for staging, conveyance load planning and multi-modal planning designed and implemented in compliance with the principles of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and operating within a collaborative environment. The system enables users to plan and track cargo stowage for air, ocean, rail, truck, and unit moves in a single system that affords the capability of one-time entry of the data. It enables the joint community to easily create, exchange and interpret cargo movement plans through a single software application. Other features assist users by providing high quality alternative solutions to complex load planning problems. The system integrates multiple knowledge-based expert systems, data storage, and a graphical user interface within a distributed and collaborative operational environment providing global services to the operating forces.
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