USAID RFI: Bureau for Planning, Learning and Resource Management (PLR) Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Services IDIQ (EVAL-ME) III

Notice ID:  7200AA24RFI00019

The purpose of this contract is to provide technical and advisory services for monitoring, evaluation, and collaborating, learning, and adapting (MECLA) at the Operating Unit (OU) and Agency-wide levels. The purpose of these services is to support USAID in generating and using evidence to advance organizational and programmatic learning and adaptation.

This activity will support USAID objectives to:

  • Build and use evidence for decision-making.
  • Make evidence more accessible and timely for internal and external users;
  • Broaden and test new and promising approaches for monitoring, evaluation and collaborating, learning and adapting (MECLA) in international development programs;
  • Develop MECLA capacity of USAID staff, partners, and local organizations.
  • Strengthen organizational learning and knowledge management processes and practice; and
  • Learn and adapt efforts as the organizational and programmatic context changes

To meet these objectives, USAID will use this activity to acquire technical and advisory services for evaluation, program monitoring, CLA, knowledge management, and MECLA capacity building worldwide, at the Mission, bureau, and Agency-wide levels. The services to be provided through this contract are expected to include, but are not limited to:

  • Design and implementation of performance and impact evaluations to help achieve development outcomes.
  • Provision of cross-cutting, contextual, sectoral, or other analytical services on a range of issues impacting USAID’s work.
  • Evidence synthesis, including cost effectiveness evidence.
  • Support for the use of evidence to inform decision-making in areas such as program design, programmatic or strategic adaptations, and other adaptive management needs
  • Performance and context monitoring support, including third party and remote monitoring services.
  • Design and facilitation of CLA activities.
  • Production and dissemination of high-quality learning products.
  • Development and dissemination of knowledge management tools and practices.
  • MECLA capacity building for USAID staff, partners, and local organizations.
  • Evaluation and analysis of high-priority strategic, and/or “state of the art” issues and lessons learned which may be of concern to the Administrator, Agency managers or key Agency customers.
  • Pilot and test innovative approaches to monitoring, evaluation, and learning on request to fill gaps in USAID’s MECLA toolbox, including the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and coding services; and
  • Implementation of MECLA platforms …

Read more here.


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