USAF Sources Sought: System Engineering and Evaluation, Systems Analysis Worldwide VII (SEESAW VIII)

Notice ID: FA875024RB006

A similar solicitation is being released simultaneously through and General Services Administration (GSA) Alliant 2 Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC).

Description of Services and Task Areas: The Contractor shall perform the following:

O&M Engineering:  Utilize the SW engineering lifecycle process to implement and integrate a cohesive approach for the enhancement of cross domain and other data and information handling program requirements.  In addition, provide management and engineering for the enhancement, deployment, and operational maintenance of new and enhanced cross domain and data and information handling capabilities to a wide range of customers that include the Air Force (AF), IC, C2, ML Communities, Agencies and other Government entities.  Provide engineering to address all programs, customers and functional capabilities within the portfolio.  Cross domain and data and information handling capabilities include all aspects of requirements which include the creation, control, transfer, access and use of the data, information and functions across and within control environments.  The work includes any or all life cycle phases, including:

  • Studies (i.e. Analytical, System Feasibility, System Trade-off)
  • Analysis (i.e. Test and Evaluation, System, data processing)
  • Technical support to system design
  • SW specification and enhancement for existing systems
  • Component and systems integration
  • Functional evaluations of installed systems

Provide O&M engineering in the following Task areas; specific details will be reflected in individual Work Plans.

Task Area 1    Enterprise Planning

Task Area 2    Requirements Analysis

Task Area 3    Implementation and Integration

Task Area 4    Security Accreditation Testing

Task Area 5    Operational Maintenance

Major Enhancements: Provide enhancements and sustainment to this effort’s baselined systems and subsystem component capabilities to enable system baseline improvements through the upgrades of individual hardware and software modules with newer modular components for key General Defense Intelligence Program requirements and other community customers. Substantial enhancements include items such as support for new interfaces, functions, data formats and/or user interface to existing capabilities.

Minor Enhancements: Provide sustainment, minor enhancements and ongoing operational support and other lifecycle activities to support the existing baselines and changing technology.  This includes activities related to emerging technologies, cross domain voice and chat, cross domain transfer, multi-level security and others as directed by the Government.

Enterprise Planning: Provide technical and programmatic support to assist the intelligence agencies and the cross domain community with all aspects of planning, engineering, fielding and operating IT systems and resources.  Provide cross domain technical and programmatic support for review, analysis and coordination of cross domain processes, policy, doctrine, directives, regulations and implementation of instructions. Provide recommendations to address changes and their impacts across strategic, tactical and operational planning, including consideration for policy, directives, acquisition planning, requirements definition, financial reporting, engineering, solution fielding, training, operations and customer support …

The contract type is anticipated to be Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) Term.  Interested parties are encouraged to recommend alternate contract types with supporting justification.  A technical period of performance of sixty (60) months is anticipated.

Read more here.


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