16 AF/JFHQ-C AF A39, assigned cyber forces, and other staff elements require open-source investigative products to identify malign influence/malicious cyber actors and attribute their actions back to the country and organization who sponsors them. Foreign Malign Influence (FMI) operations/cyber actors remain a critical threat to the United States (US) democratic pillars and institutions including influencing how we vote, choose our leaders, and use news and information online to make decisions, and pose a fundamental threat to US national security. Malign influence/cyber actors operate openly on the internet, using social media, news sites, and other publicly available capabilities to push propaganda and mis/disinformation. To combat these actors, JFHQ-C AF entities need the ability to identify and investigate the organizations that are behind these influence campaigns.Ā This requires investigative research skills, significant experience in using a variety of social media platforms to collect data from, and native language skills to acquire, translate, and provide context to information gathered.
- Development of an intelligence-driven enterprise that integrates advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities and data analytics to equip 16 AF/JFHQ-C and its mission partners with strategies to counteract peer adversaries and their ever-evolving tactics and techniques.
- Analysis solution fluent in multiple languages that can analyze both cyber and influence threats across traditional and future social media platforms arising from global threat actors.
- Comprehensive intelligence service that combines advanced AI capabilities, data science, and insights into digital influence-related threats.
- Tailored reports, briefings, and training sessions to customer. Publish articles, editorials and other materials in support of 16 AF/JFHQ-C mission areas.
The period of performance shall be for one (1) Base Year of 12 months and four (4) 12-month option years.
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