Notice ID: AMBS-25-0001
The Department of the Air Force Command, Control, Communication, and Battle Management Program Executive Office (PEO) operates out of several offices with a home location at the Pentagon, and the Advanced Battle Management Systems (ABMS) program office, under the C3BM PEO, is headquartered out of Hanscom Air Force Base. The organization consists of several geographically separated personnel including program managers, engineers, functionals, configuration managers, and other supporting personnel and is developing the DAF BATTLE NETWORK, the DAF’s future iteration of integrated battle management systems and contribution to combined Joint All Domain Command and Control Systems (JADC2). To standardize and optimize the development process, the ABMS program office is developing an Integrated Digital Environment (IDE) to support existing and future workflows, improve data accesses and collaboration across C3BM PEO, and establish a digital environment in accordance with the DoD Digital Engineering Framework.
The IDE will connect several divisions through secure digital infrastructure and enable data sharing and communication across the enterprise. Users will have centralized access, and provisions will be made based on their title and user roles. The environment will include digital structure to support data management and digital tools enabling efficient and effective acquisitions and product development. This effort will require the user needs management, stakeholder engagement, and close coordination with the development teams of the IDE along with an initial implementation plan for operational capability milestones.
Beyond the development and implementation of the IDE, the contractor may also provide analysis, maintenance, and technical support services on a case-by-case basis. The final goal is for existing solutions and future requirements to be recommended and implemented at multiple security levels, with sufficient maintenance efforts, including user experience, security, and workflow.
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