USAF Draft RFP/RFI: Space Development Agency (SDA) Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture Tranche 3 DRAFT RFP/RFI

Notice ID: SDA-SN-25-0004

The Space Development Agency (SDA) is interested in support to the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA) Tranche 3 (T3) Program Integration effort. This program is comprised of systems engineering and integration activities supporting the T3 Program, which will extend the PWSA through the acquisition and integration of hundreds of space vehicles (SV) and associated ground segment (GS) elements.

SDA is seeking a solution that provides PWSA T3 Program Integration involving systems engineering and integration activities necessary to facilitate the delivery of T3 Transport Layer (T3TL), T3 Tracking (T3TRK), and T3 Custody Layer (T3CL) and their integration with the PWSA GS and user segment to advance the operational PWSA.

SDA is seeking feedback on the following areas and SDA asks respondents to provide a technical description of a notional PWSA Tranche 3 Program Integration solution.

Respondents may address any or all of the following:

  1. Enterprise Architecture Analysis – Evaluate the architecture products that comprise the PWSA Enterprise Functional Baseline (FBL), including but not limited to CONOPS, Other Direct Costs (ODCs), and system architecture diagrams, to ensure that they remain aligned with T3 program execution and provide the necessary guidance to enable T3 Program delivery.
  2. Program Requirements Assessment and Management Support – Assess the requirements products that comprise the FBLs managed by the T3 Program, including but not limited to program technical requirements documents (TRDs); ensure that PWSA Enterprise FBL requirements products remain aligned with T3 Program equities and are properly decomposed into T3 Program-managed FBL requirements products and in turn into requirements products among Component Program-managed Allocated Baselines (ABLs) then Product Baselines (PBLs); identify gaps and issues with requirements products and provide recommendations substantiated by analysis to address; support management of requirements products.
  3. Program Integration and Verification Management – Develop and manage the integration and verification products that comprise the FBLs managed by the T3 Program, including but not limited to key interface verification, compatibility, and interoperability test plans and ground-based and on-orbit system-level test plans; coordinate execution of corresponding integration, verification, and test events and evaluation of results; assess verification evidence for sell-off …

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