USAF Air Mobility Command (AMC) Sources Sought: Air Mobility Command Directorate of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (AMC/A2) Global Transport Platform

Notice ID:  FA4452-24-R-GTPAS

This is a SOURCES SOUGHT to determine the availability and technical capability of large and small businesses (including the following small business concerns: Small Disadvantaged Business, Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone); Small Business Administration 8(a) participant, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business and Women-Owned Small Business) to provide Air Mobility Command (AMC) with Global Transport Platform utilizing Joint Expeditionary Forward Flyaway Kit (JEFF-K) placed in front, to connect their users to a managed secure entry point (SEP) allowing AMC intelligence analyst to move forward with no required changes to existing networking gear.

AMC/A2 seeks to provide a “one-stop-shop” platform for mission support to rapidly consolidate, integrate, acquire, and/or divest of unique solutions and by utilizing commercial “best practices” while providing “cradle-to-grave” management for the duration of required capabilities.

AMC/A2 has identified an emerging requirement for a Platform as a Service (PaaS) to support a collaborative environment at multiple classification levels. In response to the ever-growing dependency on complex and adaptable technologies, an approach to providing peer to peer communication at the tactical edge through rapid acquisition and development of new capabilities. However, traditional DoD and acquisition pitfalls have remained and hinder the performance of this capability acceleration. Non-traditional defense vendors, users and external entities are regularly hindered in their ability to collaborate effectively in an innovative way. While cross department workspaces exist from which to bring vendors, users, and the program management offices together, they lack the dedicated infrastructure to enable real collaboration. AMC can leverage an approved strategy that provides flexibility and accelerates technology adoption. To truly flourish, AMC/A2 intends to establish a globally connected network solution that provides its deployed users multiple transport paths to effectively communicate with stakeholders leveraging industry best hardware and software in classified and unclassified environments.


The AMC/A2 portfolio of technologies intends to interconnect with a variety of edge systems and users. The Global Transport platform as-a-service (GTPaaS) will provide the environment and network infrastructure needed to streamline the integration of AMC/A2 transport assets with non-traditional defense vendors, AMC users and external DoD entities.

AMC/A2 will utilize edge infrastructure (i.e. Joint Expeditionary Forward Flyaway Kit (JEFFK)), with the Global Transport Platform placed in front, to connect their users to a managed Secure Entry Point (SEP) that will allow AMC/A2 intelligence analysts to move forward with no required changes to existing networking gear. Users will achieve Automated Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency (PACE) and Edge to Edge communications in disrupted, disconnected, intermittent, and low-bandwidth (DDIL) environments.

The overarching goals of the Global Transport capability are to:

  • Accelerate integration of technologies as required due to new intelligence requirements.
  • Reduce integration time and costs using preconfigured technologies and vendor provided environment to provide operational ready capabilities to AMC/A2 personnel.
  • Continually evaluate the integration of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) developed technologies into a government owned platform.
  • Provide a trusted collaboration architecture built on best-of-breed technology in an open modular configuration with supporting documentation.
  • Provide AMC/A2 Intelligence Analysts the capability to analyze, integrate, view, test, and train on a dedicated Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) level with access to the Air Force Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (AF JWICS) and at the SECRET classified level with access to Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet).


The GTPaaS will allow forward deployed users, to connect their edge infrastructure (i.e. JEFFK), using their desired transport path (SATCOM, 4G/5G, LTE, Wi-Fi, etc.) to quickly and dynamically access their applications and data inside a dedicated NIPR, SIPR, and TS/SCI gateway.

The unique environment of the AMC/A2 entity requires different levels of network access including Commercial, Unclassified, and Secret.  This is a key separation from most other hardware and software integration and development acquisition environments that creates barriers to integrating the best into AMC/A2 programs.  AMC/A2YR is seeking a GTPaaS with global network access to Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet), SIPRNet, and Top Secret (TS)/JWICS through industry best backhaul and transport backbones.

The base contract will be a one-year effort with two (2) one- year option periods.

Read more here.


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