US Navy RFI: $175+M Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF) IT Support Services

This was posted to GSA eBuy

  1. Introduction

General Services Administration (GSA) Assisted Acquisition Services (AAS) released this Request for Information (RFI) on behalf of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF).

Contact Steven Wright General Services Administration Federal Acquisition Service 253-931-7360

  1. Background

In 2003, PSNS and the Naval IMF, Pacific Northwest, consolidated into one maintenance activity creating PSNS & IMF. The consolidation improved fleet readiness by allowing the Navy to accomplish the highest priority, real-time ship maintenance requirements. In addition to the PSNS and IMF consolidation, surface ship maintenance organizations including, the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Puget Sound (SSPS), portions of the Commander, Naval Surface Group, Pacific Northwest Maintenance Staff (CNSGPNW), and Fleet Technical Support Center, Pacific Detachment Everett (FTSCPAC Det Everett) joined PSNS & IMF in standing up the Northwest Regional Maintenance Center (NWRMC). The NWRMC is now one of the few regions that provide maintenance for every class of Navy vessel.

Information Technology (IT) support for PSNS & IMF is a dynamic and complex requirement that supports the IT requirements of the fleet. The primary purpose of this requirement will be to provide IT operations, application management, maintenance, and customer support to PSNS & IMF, including at remote sites and detachments in order to meet mission requirements. PSNS & IMF employs more than 14,000 engineering and industrial personnel (12,800 computer users) and serves as a major maintenance depot for the United States (U.S.) Navy. PSNS & IMF proactively maintains an IT architecture that supports users on a real time basis to ensure access to corporate information is available from Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) and Government owned workstations at Contiguous United States (CONUS) and Outside the Contiguous United States (OCONUS) sites.

III. Functional Areas

  1. Program Management – The contractor shall provide program management support across all functional areas. This includes the management and oversight of all activities performed by contractor personnel, including subcontractors, to satisfy the requirements identified in the resulting Task Order.
  2. Network Support – The contractor shall provide support for workstations, servers, peripherals, and other telecommunications devices. An average of 80,000 feet of fiber and 160,000 feet of copper is installed, repaired or replaced annually. Additionally, approximately 9,000 network ports are installed annually. Through escalated tiered customer support and innovation initiative projects, the contractor shall be required to support the following operational, maintenance, and administrative functions necessary to ensure that the Navy’s IT systems at PSNS & IMF are operational and available to the users:
  3. Install, maintain, design, change, troubleshoot, and remove fiber optic and copper cables for network devices, fiber and copper patch panels, wall ports, infrastructure cabinets, and maintain industry standards for labeling of all installed cable plants.
  4. Install, maintain, design, change, troubleshoot and remove network devices such as routers, switches, Virtual Private Network concentrators, Tactical Local Area Network Encryption (TACLANE) encryption devices and device configuration within said devices.
  5. Implement, sustain, and ensure compliance to Department of Defense (DoD), and Department of the Navy (DoN), security configuration policies and accreditation requirements.
  6. Application Management – The contractor shall provide application management support. There are two major categories of application management at PSNS & IMF, (i.e., corporate or enterprise applications and those developed and used locally).

Corporate Applications:

The first category is support of shipyard enterprise applications, also known as corporate applications, which are developed by a central design authority (CDA), who is responsible for the management and operation for application development for all local shipyards.

Local Applications:

The second category is support of locally developed and maintained applications. The locally developed applications will require support at various intervals. The contractor shall provide support as either the primary application sponsor or as a backup to Government personnel. The contractor shall also support application updates and any issues that may arise within the application.

The contractor shall be required to use a Government-provided testing environment to test applications and patches. Troubleshooting and resolution shall be escalated to other contractor support personnel in this Task Order if Tier 1 customer support is unable to resolve the issue.

  1. Bangor Production Operations Support – The contractor shall provide daily printing of submarine maintenance planning and management packages at Bangor, WA, and deliver the print packages to customers in time for daily production planning meetings. Contractor production support staff shall also execute scheduled tasks, jobs, and reports using UNIX servers to access TRIM12 and Command Network (CMDNet) to access Logistics Data System. Select tasks, jobs, and reports are scheduled to be generated regularly (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly) while others are to be generated in response to ad hoc or emergent requests from Bangor IMF production manager requests.
  2. Systems Administration – The contractor shall provide for planning, coordinating, installation, testing, operating, troubleshooting, and maintenance support of system-level PSNS & IMF hardware and software systems. The CMDNet Windows environment is 95 percent virtualized in a VMware environment. CMDNet hosts around 450 servers in the virtual environment and supports a user base of over 12,000 people. The Windows server environment has approximately 400 servers running versions of Windows Server 2008R2, 2012R2, and 2016. CMDNet uses Cisco Call Manager, Citrix, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), SolarWinds Orion (multiple add-ins), Splunk, Tenable Security Center for the Assured Compliance Assessment Solution (ACAS) program, and VMware vCenter to manage and troubleshoot various aspects of the environment.
  3. Information Assurance (IA) – The contractor shall work closely with the PSNS & IMF Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM) and staff to assist in the development of formal policies and procedures to facilitate the protection of U.S. Government sensitive unclassified and classified information and the security of the various PSNS & IMF information systems and networks. The contractor shall review PSNS & IMF, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Navy (DON) policies, procedures and guidelines and shall assist in the creation and update of appropriate policy documents for implementation across the organization as required. The contractor shall assist appropriate Government personnel in developing IA requirements, aid in the development of policies and procedures for implementation and provide support in implementing these mechanisms and processes to ensure policy enforcement. This includes all activities in support of Cybersecurity Administration, Assessment and Authorization (A&A), and Cyber Network Defense required to proactively ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organization’s networks.
  4. Customer Support Services – Customer Support Services shall support seven primary functional areas and approximately 15,000 PSNS & IMF employees.
  5. IT Telecom Support: The contractor shall support the TELECOM self-service counter that assists walk-up customers at Bremerton as well as tickets submitted through the Government provided ticketing system. The contractor shall provide assistance in the operation, setup and troubleshooting of mobile devices (e.g., tablets and cell phones). There are presently 6,560 mobile devices supported through this functional area which are all Government provided.
  6. IT Service Counter Support: The contractor shall provide IT service counter support that assists walk-up customers. Walk-up support includes issuing Government provided devices such as tablets, cellular flip phones as well as issuing consumables such as printer toner, and mice. There are approximately 600 customer interactions that take place at the IT Service counter each month.
  7. IT Support Center (ITSC): The contractor shall provide 24 x 7 Tier 1 coverage to support the needs of PSNS & IMF’s IT users, to include Japan. The contractor shall utilize the Government provided ticketing system for management and tracking of customer support requests and incidents. On average, there are approximately 14,000 ITSC tickets opened each month. Approximately 80 percent of the tickets relate to account access/password issues. The contractor supporting the ITSC shall receive support requests relating to all networks and locations supported by PSNS & IMF. The majority of the incoming request volume is during weekdays from 06:30 – 16:00 Pacific Time. Approximately six months every year (typically January – June) the ITSC supports a large workforce in Yokosuka, Japan causing higher call volume from 16:00 – 24:00 Pacific Time; additional ITSC support is required during those hours. Using locally developed Government tools (i.e. PowerShell scripts), the ITSC contractor shall issue/reset passwords, manage Distribution Lists and Global Group membership, and create accounts for local networks (not NMCI) and applications.
  8. NMCI Assistant Contract Technical Support: The contractor shall be required to provide technical support to manage NMCI requests. The contractor shall provide support for the NMCI for 15,000 PSNS & IMF employees. There are presently 10,000 computers and 12,000 computer accounts, across both the Bremerton, Bangor, Everett and San Diego sites. The contractor shall process and manage Move/Add/Change (MAC) requests and provide administration and management of various user domains (i.e., Global Groups, Distribution Lists, Public Folders, Account Profile management and Functional Accounts). The contractor shall support and deploy NMCI Deployable Site Transport Boundary (DSTB) systems when NMCI services are needed at locations not normally available. This may include private shipyards located in Seattle, WA or Portland, OR. There is an average of four DSTB deployments a year. The contractor shall assist with reviewing NMCI IT technical requirements in support of military construction (MILCON) and special projects. The contractor shall be required to maintain material inventory and provide metrics and data input requests for NMCI services.
  9. End Device Support: The contractor shall support the setup, delivery, repair, inventory, and lifecycle management of workstations, software, peripherals and other miscellaneous IT equipment for various networks. The contractor shall resolve service and incident tickets; maintain compliance and documentation for approximately 1,500 Platform IT (PIT) systems; coordinate the delivery, transportation and maintenance of multi-function devices; provide inventory support; collect and dispose of IT equipment; provide DoN application and database management system (DADMS) repository support; and provide administrative support for software maintenance renewals and licensing.
  10. IT Project Facilitation: The contractor shall provide IT project planning services which include but are not limited to coordination, facilitation, technical evaluation and documentation of new or changing technologies in the shipyard.
  11. Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Application and Configuration Support: The contractor shall be required to support the configuration and integration of CAD/CAM systems (i.e., Finite Element Analysis, Computer Aided Engineering, and Computer Numerically Controlled). There are approximately 250 CAD systems. The contractor shall support the setup and interface of IT components on approximately 60 CAM systems. The contractor shall support approximately 400 standalone specialty systems that support industrial and scientific applications. Support shall include loading the operating system, configuring software and peripherals, patching, and hardening (i.e. setting passwords).
  12. Government Estimate

The Government currently estimates the total amount of this requirement to be in excess of $175,000,000 over a one-year base period and four, one-year options.

  1. Place of Performance

PSNS & IMF IT support covers sites in Bremerton, WA; Bangor, WA; Everett, WA; San Diego, CA; and Yokosuka, Japan. The majority (85-90 percent) of support will be performed at the PSNS in Bremerton, WA, with on-site support in San Diego, CA, and Yokosuka, Japan, and remote auxiliary support to the sites. Based on the nature of the U.S. Navy ship maintenance, there may be a need for additional support, emergency repairs, or a shift or increase in workload (e.g., wartime requirements) to meet national security requirements at additional sites (e.g., San Diego, CA; Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, HI; Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, ME; Naval Base Guam; Norfolk Naval Shipyard, VA).

  1. Security Requirements
  2. General: The prime contractor (to include team members and subcontractors) must have a final Top Secret (TS) Facility Clearance (FCL) from the Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency (DCSA).
  3. Personnel Security Requirements: Individuals performing work in all functional areas, with exception of the network support functional area, must be U.S. citizens and comply with applicable program security requirements which will require, at a minimum, a current favorable adjudication as a result of a Tier 3 background investigation upon beginning work. Some positions and/or locations may require a higher-level Tier 5 investigation. Contractors shall have successfully undergone a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) that is current (in scope) as defined by DoD 5200.02-CH1, DoD Manual 5105.21-V3, CH2, and Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 704, Personnel Security. The contractor shall comply with all appropriate security regulations in handling classified material and in publishing reports and other products.
  4. Cyber Workforce Security Requirements: Contractor personnel will be required to maintain appropriate certification(s) necessary for the positions in the DoD 8570.01-M IA Workforce Improvement Program for the correlating IA level (e.g., IAT I-III, IAM I-III, IASAE I-III) which can be found at

VII. Questionnaires

Complete the questionnaires as outlined below:

  1. Responses shall be submitted electronically by email only to Maggie Foster at and Steven Wright at Use the enclosed questionnaire to provide the requested information (i.e., no substitutions, additions, or deletions).
  2. All responses shall maintain one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and be single spaced.
  3. Table 1: Corporate Overview shall be no longer than two pages in length.
  4. Table 2: Prior and Current Corporate Experience shall be no longer than six pages in length; two pages for each example of Corporate Experience. All Corporate Experience must be performed by the respondent as a Prime contractor similar in size, scope, and complexity to the potential PSNS & IMF requirement.
  5. Corporate Capabilities and Approaches shall be no longer than six pages.
  6. All information submitted shall be UNCLASSIFIED.
  7. Responses shall be submitted no later than 11 a.m. Eastern Time on November 15, 2024.
  8. Send questions to Maggie Foster at and Steven Wright at

Table 1: Corporate Overview

Question Answer

Name of Company

Name of Business Unit Responding to the RFI (if applicable)

Unique Entity Identifier Number

Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code

Corporate Address

Total Number of Full Time Employees

Website URL

Small Business under North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code 541512 □ YES

□ NO

Type of Small Business, if applicable (e.g., Woman-Owned, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned, 8(a), HUBZone)

Do you have a cost accounting system deemed adequate by a cognizant audit agency? (e.g., Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)) □ YES

□ NO

Do you have an approved Purchasing System? □ YES

□ NO

One Point of Contact (POC) (Enter name, phone number, and email address) Name:

Phone #:


Table 2: Prior and Current Corporate Experience

Please respond to the following inquiries (Note: If your company is divided into separate business units, responses shall be based upon the Corporate Experience of the business unit responding to the RFI):

Please complete the following table for a maximum of three prior or current Corporate Experiences performed in the last five years in which the contractor (serving as prime contractor) provided or currently provides services similar in size, complexity, and scope to the stated requirements and technical environment as listed in Sections III and IV. Use individual task order values for the table below, not the overall Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) or Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) ceiling value the task order may have been awarded from.

Question Answer

Contract Vehicle/Contract Number

Contract/Project Name

Value at Award

Value at Completion/Current Value

Period of Performance

Contract Type: check the type that represents the largest ($) for this contract □ Time-and-Materials (T&M)/Labor-Hour (LH)

□ Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP)

□ Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (CPIF)

□ Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (CPAF)

Client Department or Agency

Project Description

Client POC, Name, E-mail, Phone

Percentage of Services Sub-contracted

Number of Users

Average Monthly Service Contact Volume

Amount of Tools/Other Direct Costs (ODCs) Procured for Life of Task Order

Corporate Capabilities and Approaches

  1. Describe your corporate capabilities as they relate to the functional areas above of the RFI. Please make note of the contract type for the contracts referenced in this response and make specific note of cost-type contracts.
  2. The requirement includes support to geographically dispersed field offices. Describe your corporate capabilities and experience providing similar IT support, onsite and remote, for customers geographically dispersed throughout CONUS and OCONUS locations to include a discussion of your company’s familiarity with the Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA).
  3. Describe your company/business unit’s capability, experience, and methodology for properly staffing a contract or task order, with the same size, scope, and complexity as referenced in Sections III and IV above, with personnel required to meet the cyber security workforce requirements outlined in Department of Defense 8570.01-M, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program.
  4. Describe your company’s capability, experience, and methodology for staffing and managing a Task Order with the security requirements described in Section VI.
  5. It is anticipated that support at additional sites may be necessary to support mission needs due to the unpredictable deployment and repair of naval assets. Describe your company’s experience with providing scalable and flexible surge support in response to evolving operational needs.
  6. Identify aspects of the requirement that would preclude the acquisition of these services on a commercial basis (e.g., Government contracts for these kinds of supplies and services contain terms and conditions that aren’t consistent with commercial terms and conditions, etc.).
  7. Considering the requirements and constraints outlined in this RFI, would your company anticipate submitting an offer as a prime?
  8. Describe your company/business’s experience in managing contracts with Technical Direction Letters (TDLs)/Technical Direction Plans (TDPs) while tracking multiple appropriation types/years from multi-client funding sources.
  9. Based on your company’s analysis of the information provided, please provide any additional information that you think may be relevant for the Government’s consideration as it formulates the acquisition strategy and requirements for the anticipated procurement.GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA)




  1. Introduction

General Services Administration (GSA) Assisted Acquisition Services (AAS) is releasing this Request for Information (RFI) on behalf of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF). The purpose of this RFI is to assist the Government in conducting market research focused on identifying VETS 2 contract holders. This information will be used for market research only. The Government is not obligated to release a future solicitation.

This RFI does NOT constitute a Request for Proposal and is not to be construed as a commitment, implied or otherwise, by the Government that a procurement action will be issued. Response to this notice is not a request to be added to a bidders list or to receive a copy of a solicitation. No entitlement to payment of direct or indirect costs or charges by the Government will arise as a result of the submission of the requested information. No reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this announcement and any follow up information requests. Responses to this RFI may be considered in the future determination of an appropriate acquisition strategy for the program. The Government may not respond to any specific questions or comments submitted in response to this RFI or information provided as a result of this request. Any information submitted by respondents as a result of this notice is strictly voluntary.

  1. Background

In 2003, PSNS and the Naval IMF, Pacific Northwest, consolidated into one maintenance activity creating PSNS & IMF. The consolidation improved fleet readiness by allowing the Navy to accomplish the highest priority, real-time ship maintenance requirements. In addition to the PSNS and IMF consolidation, surface ship maintenance organizations including, the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Puget Sound (SSPS), portions of the Commander, Naval Surface Group, Pacific Northwest Maintenance Staff (CNSGPNW), and Fleet Technical Support Center, Pacific Detachment Everett (FTSCPAC Det Everett) joined PSNS & IMF in standing up the Northwest Regional Maintenance Center (NWRMC). The NWRMC is now one of the few regions that provide maintenance for every class of Navy vessel.

Information Technology (IT) support for PSNS & IMF is a dynamic and complex requirement that supports the IT requirements of the fleet. The primary purpose of this requirement will be to provide IT operations, application management, maintenance, and customer support to PSNS & IMF, including at remote sites and detachments in order to meet mission requirements. PSNS & IMF employs more than 14,000 engineering and industrial personnel (12,800 computer users) and serves as a major maintenance depot for the United States (U.S.) Navy. PSNS & IMF proactively maintains an IT architecture that supports users on a real time basis to ensure access to corporate information is available from Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) and Government owned workstations at Contiguous United States (CONUS) and Outside the Contiguous United States (OCONUS) sites.

III. Functional Areas

  1. Program Management – The contractor shall provide program management support across all functional areas. This includes the management and oversight of all activities performed by contractor personnel, including subcontractors, to satisfy the requirements identified in the resulting Task Order.
  2. Network Support – The contractor shall provide support for workstations, servers, peripherals, and other telecommunications devices. An average of 80,000 feet of fiber and 160,000 feet of copper is installed, repaired or replaced annually. Additionally, approximately 9,000 network ports are installed annually. Through escalated tiered customer support and innovation initiative projects, the contractor shall be required to support the following operational, maintenance, and administrative functions necessary to ensure that the Navy’s IT systems at PSNS & IMF are operational and available to the users:
  3. Install, maintain, design, change, troubleshoot, and remove fiber optic and copper cables for network devices, fiber and copper patch panels, wall ports, infrastructure cabinets, and maintain industry standards for labeling of all installed cable plants.
  4. Install, maintain, design, change, troubleshoot and remove network devices such as routers, switches, Virtual Private Network concentrators, Tactical Local Area Network Encryption (TACLANE) encryption devices and device configuration within said devices.
  5. Implement, sustain, and ensure compliance to Department of Defense (DoD), and Department of the Navy (DoN), security configuration policies and accreditation requirements.
  6. Application Management – The contractor shall provide application management support. There are two major categories of application management at PSNS & IMF, (i.e., corporate or enterprise applications and those developed and used locally).

Corporate Applications:

The first category is support of shipyard enterprise applications, also known as corporate applications, which are developed by a central design authority (CDA), who is responsible for the management and operation for application development for all local shipyards.

Local Applications:

The second category is support of locally developed and maintained applications. The locally developed applications will require support at various intervals. The contractor shall provide support as either the primary application sponsor or as a backup to Government personnel. The contractor shall also support application updates and any issues that may arise within the application.

The contractor shall be required to use a Government-provided testing environment to test applications and patches. Troubleshooting and resolution shall be escalated to other contractor support personnel in this Task Order if Tier 1 customer support is unable to resolve the issue.

  1. Bangor Production Operations Support – The contractor shall provide daily printing of submarine maintenance planning and management packages at Bangor, WA, and deliver the print packages to customers in time for daily production planning meetings. Contractor production support staff shall also execute scheduled tasks, jobs, and reports using UNIX servers to access TRIM12 and Command Network (CMDNet) to access Logistics Data System. Select tasks, jobs, and reports are scheduled to be generated regularly (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly) while others are to be generated in response to ad hoc or emergent requests from Bangor IMF production manager requests.
  2. Systems Administration – The contractor shall provide for planning, coordinating, installation, testing, operating, troubleshooting, and maintenance support of system-level PSNS & IMF hardware and software systems. The CMDNet Windows environment is 95 percent virtualized in a VMware environment. CMDNet hosts around 450 servers in the virtual environment and supports a user base of over 12,000 people. The Windows server environment has approximately 400 servers running versions of Windows Server 2008R2, 2012R2, and 2016. CMDNet uses Cisco Call Manager, Citrix, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), SolarWinds Orion (multiple add-ins), Splunk, Tenable Security Center for the Assured Compliance Assessment Solution (ACAS) program, and VMware vCenter to manage and troubleshoot various aspects of the environment.
  3. Information Assurance (IA) – The contractor shall work closely with the PSNS & IMF Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM) and staff to assist in the development of formal policies and procedures to facilitate the protection of U.S. Government sensitive unclassified and classified information and the security of the various PSNS & IMF information systems and networks. The contractor shall review PSNS & IMF, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Navy (DON) policies, procedures and guidelines and shall assist in the creation and update of appropriate policy documents for implementation across the organization as required. The contractor shall assist appropriate Government personnel in developing IA requirements, aid in the development of policies and procedures for implementation and provide support in implementing these mechanisms and processes to ensure policy enforcement. This includes all activities in support of Cybersecurity Administration, Assessment and Authorization (A&A), and Cyber Network Defense required to proactively ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organization’s networks.
  4. Customer Support Services – Customer Support Services shall support seven primary functional areas and approximately 15,000 PSNS & IMF employees.
  5. IT Telecom Support: The contractor shall support the TELECOM self-service counter that assists walk-up customers at Bremerton as well as tickets submitted through the Government provided ticketing system. The contractor shall provide assistance in the operation, setup and troubleshooting of mobile devices (e.g., tablets and cell phones). There are presently 6,560 mobile devices supported through this functional area which are all Government provided.
  6. IT Service Counter Support: The contractor shall provide IT service counter support that assists walk-up customers. Walk-up support includes issuing Government provided devices such as tablets, cellular flip phones as well as issuing consumables such as printer toner, and mice. There are approximately 600 customer interactions that take place at the IT Service counter each month.
  7. IT Support Center (ITSC): The contractor shall provide 24 x 7 Tier 1 coverage to support the needs of PSNS & IMF’s IT users, to include Japan. The contractor shall utilize the Government provided ticketing system for management and tracking of customer support requests and incidents. On average, there are approximately 14,000 ITSC tickets opened each month. Approximately 80 percent of the tickets relate to account access/password issues. The contractor supporting the ITSC shall receive support requests relating to all networks and locations supported by PSNS & IMF. The majority of the incoming request volume is during weekdays from 06:30 – 16:00 Pacific Time. Approximately six months every year (typically January – June) the ITSC supports a large workforce in Yokosuka, Japan causing higher call volume from 16:00 – 24:00 Pacific Time; additional ITSC support is required during those hours. Using locally developed Government tools (i.e. PowerShell scripts), the ITSC contractor shall issue/reset passwords, manage Distribution Lists and Global Group membership, and create accounts for local networks (not NMCI) and applications.
  8. NMCI Assistant Contract Technical Support: The contractor shall be required to provide technical support to manage NMCI requests. The contractor shall provide support for the NMCI for 15,000 PSNS & IMF employees. There are presently 10,000 computers and 12,000 computer accounts, across both the Bremerton, Bangor, Everett and San Diego sites. The contractor shall process and manage Move/Add/Change (MAC) requests and provide administration and management of various user domains (i.e., Global Groups, Distribution Lists, Public Folders, Account Profile management and Functional Accounts). The contractor shall support and deploy NMCI Deployable Site Transport Boundary (DSTB) systems when NMCI services are needed at locations not normally available. This may include private shipyards located in Seattle, WA or Portland, OR. There is an average of four DSTB deployments a year. The contractor shall assist with reviewing NMCI IT technical requirements in support of military construction (MILCON) and special projects. The contractor shall be required to maintain material inventory and provide metrics and data input requests for NMCI services.
  9. End Device Support: The contractor shall support the setup, delivery, repair, inventory, and lifecycle management of workstations, software, peripherals and other miscellaneous IT equipment for various networks. The contractor shall resolve service and incident tickets; maintain compliance and documentation for approximately 1,500 Platform IT (PIT) systems; coordinate the delivery, transportation and maintenance of multi-function devices; provide inventory support; collect and dispose of IT equipment; provide DoN application and database management system (DADMS) repository support; and provide administrative support for software maintenance renewals and licensing.
  10. IT Project Facilitation: The contractor shall provide IT project planning services which include but are not limited to coordination, facilitation, technical evaluation and documentation of new or changing technologies in the shipyard.
  11. Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Application and Configuration Support: The contractor shall be required to support the configuration and integration of CAD/CAM systems (i.e., Finite Element Analysis, Computer Aided Engineering, and Computer Numerically Controlled). There are approximately 250 CAD systems. The contractor shall support the setup and interface of IT components on approximately 60 CAM systems. The contractor shall support approximately 400 standalone specialty systems that support industrial and scientific applications. Support shall include loading the operating system, configuring software and peripherals, patching, and hardening (i.e. setting passwords).
  12. Government Estimate

The Government currently estimates the total amount of this requirement to be in excess of $175,000,000 over a one-year base period and four, one-year options.

  1. Place of Performance

PSNS & IMF IT support covers sites in Bremerton, WA; Bangor, WA; Everett, WA; San Diego, CA; and Yokosuka, Japan. The majority (85-90 percent) of support will be performed at the PSNS in Bremerton, WA, with on-site support in San Diego, CA, and Yokosuka, Japan, and remote auxiliary support to the sites. Based on the nature of the U.S. Navy ship maintenance, there may be a need for additional support, emergency repairs, or a shift or increase in workload (e.g., wartime requirements) to meet national security requirements at additional sites (e.g., San Diego, CA; Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, HI; Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, ME; Naval Base Guam; Norfolk Naval Shipyard, VA).

  1. Security Requirements
  2. General: The prime contractor (to include team members and subcontractors) must have a final Top Secret (TS) Facility Clearance (FCL) from the Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency (DCSA).
  3. Personnel Security Requirements: Individuals performing work in all functional areas, with exception of the network support functional area, must be U.S. citizens and comply with applicable program security requirements which will require, at a minimum, a current favorable adjudication as a result of a Tier 3 background investigation upon beginning work. Some positions and/or locations may require a higher-level Tier 5 investigation. Contractors shall have successfully undergone a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) that is current (in scope) as defined by DoD 5200.02-CH1, DoD Manual 5105.21-V3, CH2, and Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 704, Personnel Security. The contractor shall comply with all appropriate security regulations in handling classified material and in publishing reports and other products.
  4. Cyber Workforce Security Requirements: Contractor personnel will be required to maintain appropriate certification(s) necessary for the positions in the DoD 8570.01-M IA Workforce Improvement Program for the correlating IA level (e.g., IAT I-III, IAM I-III, IASAE I-III) which can be found at

VII. Questionnaires

Complete the questionnaires as outlined below:

  1. Responses shall be submitted electronically by email only to Maggie Foster at and Steven Wright at Use the enclosed questionnaire to provide the requested information (i.e., no substitutions, additions, or deletions).
  2. All responses shall maintain one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and be single spaced.
  3. Table 1: Corporate Overview shall be no longer than two pages in length.
  4. Table 2: Prior and Current Corporate Experience shall be no longer than six pages in length; two pages for each example of Corporate Experience. All Corporate Experience must be performed by the respondent as a Prime contractor similar in size, scope, and complexity to the potential PSNS & IMF requirement.
  5. Corporate Capabilities and Approaches shall be no longer than six pages.
  6. All information submitted shall be UNCLASSIFIED.
  7. Responses shall be submitted no later than 11 a.m. Eastern Time on November 15, 2024.
  8. Send questions to Maggie Foster at and Steven Wright at

Table 1: Corporate Overview

Question Answer

Name of Company

Name of Business Unit Responding to the RFI (if applicable)

Unique Entity Identifier Number

Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code

Corporate Address

Total Number of Full Time Employees

Website URL

Small Business under North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code 541512 □ YES

□ NO

Type of Small Business, if applicable (e.g., Woman-Owned, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned, 8(a), HUBZone)

Do you have a cost accounting system deemed adequate by a cognizant audit agency? (e.g., Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)) □ YES

□ NO

Do you have an approved Purchasing System? □ YES

□ NO

One Point of Contact (POC) (Enter name, phone number, and email address) Name:

Phone #:


Table 2: Prior and Current Corporate Experience

Please respond to the following inquiries (Note: If your company is divided into separate business units, responses shall be based upon the Corporate Experience of the business unit responding to the RFI):

Please complete the following table for a maximum of three prior or current Corporate Experiences performed in the last five years in which the contractor (serving as prime contractor) provided or currently provides services similar in size, complexity, and scope to the stated requirements and technical environment as listed in Sections III and IV. Use individual task order values for the table below, not the overall Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) or Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) ceiling value the task order may have been awarded from.

Question Answer

Contract Vehicle/Contract Number

Contract/Project Name

Value at Award

Value at Completion/Current Value

Period of Performance

Contract Type: check the type that represents the largest ($) for this contract □ Time-and-Materials (T&M)/Labor-Hour (LH)

□ Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP)

□ Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (CPIF)

□ Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (CPAF)

Client Department or Agency

Project Description

Client POC, Name, E-mail, Phone

Percentage of Services Sub-contracted

Number of Users

Average Monthly Service Contact Volume

Amount of Tools/Other Direct Costs (ODCs) Procured for Life of Task Order

Corporate Capabilities and Approaches

  1. Describe your corporate capabilities as they relate to the functional areas above of the RFI. Please make note of the contract type for the contracts referenced in this response and make specific note of cost-type contracts.
  2. The requirement includes support to geographically dispersed field offices. Describe your corporate capabilities and experience providing similar IT support, onsite and remote, for customers geographically dispersed throughout CONUS and OCONUS locations to include a discussion of your company’s familiarity with the Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA).
  3. Describe your company/business unit’s capability, experience, and methodology for properly staffing a contract or task order, with the same size, scope, and complexity as referenced in Sections III and IV above, with personnel required to meet the cyber security workforce requirements outlined in Department of Defense 8570.01-M, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program.
  4. Describe your company’s capability, experience, and methodology for staffing and managing a Task Order with the security requirements described in Section VI.
  5. It is anticipated that support at additional sites may be necessary to support mission needs due to the unpredictable deployment and repair of naval assets. Describe your company’s experience with providing scalable and flexible surge support in response to evolving operational needs.
  6. Identify aspects of the requirement that would preclude the acquisition of these services on a commercial basis (e.g., Government contracts for these kinds of supplies and services contain terms and conditions that aren’t consistent with commercial terms and conditions, etc.).
  7. Considering the requirements and constraints outlined in this RFI, would your company anticipate submitting an offer as a prime?
  8. Describe your company/business’s experience in managing contracts with Technical Direction Letters (TDLs)/Technical Direction Plans (TDPs) while tracking multiple appropriation types/years from multi-client funding sources.
  9. Based on your company’s analysis of the information provided, please provide any additional information that you think may be relevant for the Government’s consideration as it formulates the acquisition strategy and requirements for the anticipated procurement.

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