US Navy awards F-16 Inventory Decision Support Process (IDSP) and Analytics contract to SPA

Sole Source Justification, F-16 IDSP Purchase Order

The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) has awarded purchase order N0042125P0077 to System Planning and Analysis Inc. (SPA) UIN TRE8LWVNNXL3, CAGE Code 7L563 of 2001 N Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA, 22311-1739 for Inventory Decision Support Process (IDSP) F-16 along with other analytical methods, to inform decisions regarding lifecycle, readiness, investment improvements and to enable management of
life cycle availability, maintenance/modification planning, and costs for USN F-16’s.

This effort was issued as a sole source to SPA. The contract consists of Firm-Fixed-Priced (FFP) line items. The NAICS Code is 541611- Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services and the PSC Code is R499- Support-Professional: Other.

The requirement is to continue the development of the Inventory Decision Support Process (IDSP) for the F-16 inventory managed by PMA226. The initial goals for F-16 IDSP are to support the F-16 integrated product team in PMA-226 with near-, mid-, and long-range inventory availability planning, structural repair and service-life extension planning, and airframe configuration/modification program planning for the USN’s F-16 fleet.

System Planning and Analysis, INC. IDSP was developed, designed and manufactured at the expense of SPA. Therefore, the OEM, SPA owns and retains sole proprietary rights to the software.





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