Notice ID: M6700425R0003
Blount Island Command (BICmd), Contracts Office is conducting market research for the purpose of identifying possible open market sources with experience and capabilities support USMC Prepositioning Plans and Data Support Services with a primary operating location at Marine Corps Support Facility Blount Island, Jacksonville FL.
The Contractor shall provide services and products in support of nine major areas: Plans Management, Marine Corps Prepositioning Programs Plans/Tailoring, Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) Maintenance Cycle Planning, Data Management, Information Systems, Automated Identification Technology, Software Maintenance and Support, Field Service Representative (FSR) Operations and Exercise/Contingency Support. Services and systems include:
Prepositioning Objective (PO) Tailoring. Tailoring the MPF MPSRONs and the Marine Corps Prepositioning Program- Norway (MCPP-N) MCPP-N PO involves a myriad of sequential and concurrent tasks which will ensure the most capable equipment and supplies are prepositioned. During PNT-1 tailoring, planners shifted the focus away from that of a MEB sized MAGTF to one that supports new Marine Corps employment concepts in the INDOPACOM AOR, and standardized the CRFP structure across both MPF and MCPP-N. As with previous tailoring events, Marine and Navy planners had to ensure equipment and supplies met the Commandant of the Marine Corps’ (CMC) intent, the criteria as outlined in MCO 3000.17_ and MCO 4000.58 while also fitting within the constraints of a MPSRON or within the storage caves in Norway.
Components of MPF Squadrons. Ships making up the MPF program remain divided into two squadrons and geographically disbursed, but were reduced from twelve ships in Full Operating Status (FOS) to seven, with two additional MPS placed into a Reduced Operating Statues (ROS) and lay berthed in Jacksonville FL. Previously, each squadron within the MPF program included designated equipment and supplies from the MEB Table of Equipment (T/E), intended to support a single force at a single location, following the release of CMC PNT-1 Guidance message directing planners to transition the MCPP in support of Force Design Operating Concepts, ships were designated to carry specific mission sets, and be capable of independent operations at multiple locations simultaneously, while retaining the ability to support a MEB in aggregate. This new configuration reduced the amount of Expeditionary Airfield (EAF), and Navy Construction Element (NCE) but increased the Naval Support Element (NSE). The Expeditionary Medical Facilities (EMF) was removed from the squadrons, and the Aviation Ground Support Equipment (AGSE), Starter Stocks / Sustainment and ammunition were all reconfigured to support future operating concepts.
Components of MCPP-N. Includes designated equipment and supplies to support the newly standardized Crisis Response Force, with various regionally aligned equipment sets such as an Arrival & Assembly set, CBRN, and Cold Weather Operations spread across three cave sites.
Tailoring Phase. Tailoring ensures interoperability across MPSRONs, MCPP-N, MCPP-PHIL and future ashore programs and provides the operating forces the opportunity to influence what is forward deployed aboard the squadrons and within MCPP-N. The MPF program and MCPP-N are dynamic programs with a notional CRFP Force List (F/L) and the associated T/E where changes occur commensurate to changes being made in the Navy and Marine Corps operating forces capabilities and structure.
MMC Planning Support. Currently, the MMC is a 42–48-month event where ships from MPSRON-2 and MPSRON-3 cycle through BICmd in a manner that reduces the number of ships and time off station to the greatest extent possible. A ship’s MMC is a very complex, labor intensive, fast-paced event that involves a multitude of organizations, making planning and communication vital to to its success. The key elements to this process are the MMC squadron and ships’ plans, which are developed by the P&DSC -.
Data Management. The Contractor shall utilize current and future government-owned and/or provided information management systems, databases, and logistics automated information systems (LOGAIS) to review, download, manage, store, and modify MPS planning related data as applicable. The existing systems Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES) and Sea Service Deployment Module (SSDM) contain transportation and configuration data. Total Force Structure Management System (TFSMS) and Global Combat Support System Marine Corps (GCSS-MC), contain supply and inventory information, respectively. Contractor may be required to access TFSMS and GCSS-MC to validate allowances and inventory information to facilitate the development of planning documents …
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