Notice ID: PANMCC-24-P-0000-009738
This Performance Work Statement (PWS) describes the performance requirements for the Operational Environment and Core (OE/Core) Functions at the United States Army’s Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2).
The TRADOC headquarters staff analyzes, assesses, provides staff-management oversight, and recommends for decision all activities affecting policy, command guidance, developmental processes, and implementation/execution processes to support the command in meeting its mission. The staff facilitates the coordination and dissemination of strategic operational concepts and plans, doctrine, and training to the Department of the Army (DA), Department of Defense (DoD), Congress, and external agencies and organizations. Also, the staff supports TRADOC subordinate organizations in executing command initiatives in recruiting, training, educating, designing, testing, and evaluating the force.
The Contractor shall support TRADOC in a wide variety of efforts. The Contractor shall ensure all projects maintain consistency with each other and no duplication of effort exists within the program. The Contractor shall support the TRADOC G-2 to execute its mission as TRADOC’s designated Lead for its Core Function #13, the OE, and provide support and services to TRADOC in the following specific areas:
- Identify, define, and predict the variables of the OE.
Implement the analysis and supplant the traditional focus regarding LD and training (individual, unit, and collective training) as well as doctrine development (requirements determination, future doctrine, and joint doctrine).
- Provide Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and Consultants to execute G-2 special projects and missions assigned as short term, rapid acquisition needs.
TRADOC has broadened its efforts to include supporting the Army in combat operations with enhanced, up-to-date training oriented on a current assessment of enemy capabilities as well as predictions for enemy reactions to a dynamic battlefield. TRADOC responsibilities regarding support to the Operating Force and the Generating Force have multiplied and increased. As a result, G-2 has been assigned a wide range of missions and projects that require expert analysis, planning, assessments, and execution from an increasing array of SMEs. The Army requires a flexible tool which brings these capabilities to bear on the challenges G-2 and TRADOC face today and will face in an ever-evolving and uncertain future.
The Period of Performance (POP) for the awarded contract includes an 8-month base period with a 30-day Phase-In. The awarded contract will include four one-year option periods.
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