US Army MEDCOM Sources Sought: Medical Logistics Authoritative Data Exchange and Medical Logistics Database Subscription Services

Notice ID:  PANMRA-24-P-0000-004063

The U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA) is issuing this Sources Sought synopsis on behalf of the Defense Health Agency (DHA) Medical Logistics Directorate as a means of conducting Market Research to identify potential sources having an interest and availability to provide the requirement for Medical Logistics Authoritative Data Exchange and Medical Logistics Database Subscription Services that support modernization and data standardization in Health Alerts and Equipment Management Lines of Business (LOBs). The Authoritative Data Exchange and Database Subscription Services will be Information Technology (IT) services, external to the Department of Defense (DoD).

The DHA and Medical Logistics Information Technology Program Management Office (MEDLOG IT PMO) have initiated a major technical refresh that will merge both the programmatic and technical components of all existing Defense Medical Logistics applications [DMLSS, TEWLS and Joint Medical Asset Repository (JMAR)] into a single program, the Defense Medical Logistics – Enterprise Solution (DML-ES) and a single application called LogiCole.

The following Database Subscriptions that are required to assist with this technical refresh are as follows:

  1. Alerts Automatch – Equipment;
  2. Alerts Automatch – Supplies;
  3. Alerts Workflow;
  4. Capital Guide; (5) Decision Visualization;
  5. Equipment – Data Standardization;
  6. Functional Equivalents;
  7. Alerts Tracking for Patient Safety Communications;
  8. Supply Guide
  9. Product Catalog; and
  10. Utilization Analytics.

The purpose of this requirement is to provide technical expertise, subscription and support service necessary to perform Medical Logistics Authoritative Data Exchange and Medical Logistics Database Subscription Services that support modernization and data standardization in Health Alerts and Equipment LOBs. Contractor must show how they can provide the specific subscriptions listed in Section 3.0 or a suitable equivalent and provide support modernization and data standardization in Health Alerts and Equipment Management LOBs.

Read more here.


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