Out of a pool of 45 bidders awardees are starting to be named for this 10-year contract vehicle to provide enterprise-wide business consultant services.
Solicitation Number: 33330223RF0010033
Number of Bidders: 45
Identified Awardees Include:
More will be shared if they become known.
Description: The objective is to award a One (1) year contract with Nine (9) one-year options to provide enterprise-wide business consultant services to the Smithsonian for all business areas which may include, but are not limited to:
  • Business Process Improvement Analysis
  • Financial Controls
  • Financial Management
  • Governance Best Practices
  • Health and Environmental Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Information Technology Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Internal and Operational Controls
  • Personal Property Asset Management
  • Policy Development
  • Research and Benchmarking
  • Strategic Planning
  • Supply Management

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