U.S. Senate Office of the Sergeant at Arms (SAA) RFP: Information Technology Support Contract (ITSC) V

Notice ID: 2025-R-001

The United States Senate (“Senate”) Office of the Sergeant at Arms (“SAA”) is responsible for managing the Information Technology Support Contract (“ITSC”) for the outsourcing of essential IT services in support of the IT Support Program. The IT Support Program will provide support services for workstation and server hardware, operating system software, and application software as well as help desk services, break-fix and maintenance services, and on-site maintenance and support for the Senate in Washington, DC, and the fifty (50) states for Senate Member, Committee, Leadership and Officer Offices.

Hardware acquisition, maintenance and support includes, but is not limited to, workstations, laptops, file servers, scanners, printers, videoconferencing, televisions, flat panel monitors and smart boards, and wireless mobile technology (devices, platforms, and WANs). Software support includes, but is not limited to operating systems, communication packages, and commercial software applications. Support includes the staffing of a hotline/help desk and providing for other support functions.

The SAA will award a single Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (“IDIQ”) contract utilizing Firm-FixedPrice (FFP) and Labor-Hour (LH), and Time and Materials Task Orders for products and services.

Read more here.


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