Notice ID: 70T02024I7503N002
The TSA ESVP Office is requesting information and conducting research to understand current market capabilities for Quality Assurance (QA)services to visit enrollment centers operated on behalf of TSA and evaluate enrollment operations. TSA conducts security threat assessments (STAs) to determine whether an applicant seeking access to critical segments of the nation’s transportation system poses or is suspected of posing a threat to transportation or national security. An STA may differ depending on the population or program required to undergo a background check. Additionally, statutory and policy requirements may impact how a program is implemented. STAs typically include any combination of the following background checks: name-based checks for ties to terrorism, immigration/lawful presence checks, and/or a fingerprint-based criminal history records check (CHRC). In order to conduct STAs, TSA must collect and protect applicant biographic and biometric data and identity/immigration documentation. A collection of payment is also required as most TSA programs are required to be fee-funded and self-sustaining. For most TSA programs requiring STAs, individuals are required to visit an enrollment center, where they must provide proof of identity and citizenship and have their fingerprints and photo captured. Enrollment center agents or representatives assist individuals throughout the process and help ensure complete and accurate information is provided to TSA for vetting purposes. TSA currently has over 550 enrollment centers operated by IDEMIA that are located across all 50 States, including U.S. territories…
Utilizing a TSA-provided checklist, quality assurance evaluators shall conduct an evaluation of both the physical enrollment center as well as the actual enrollment process to confirm that the vendor operating the enrollment center is in compliance with TSA contractual requirements. As part of the enrollment process evaluation, quality assurance evaluators shall observe and report on: 1. Biographic and biometric data collection, 2. Protection and safeguarding of applicant data/confidentiality, 3. Identity/immigration document collection and authentication, 4. Identity assurance capabilities, 5. Fraudulent document identification, 6. Fee collection, 7. Credential management/accountability/distribution (as applicable to TSA program), and 8. Conduct and professionalism of enrollment center agents/staff.
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