Notice ID: 2032H325N00003
The Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Procurement Executive (OPE) seeks to acquire a tool to enhance data monitoring, reporting and data quality within the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS).
The Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Procurement Executive (OPE) seeks to acquire a tool to enhance data monitoring, reporting and data quality within the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS). This tool should also support automated functions such as:
- End-to-end support for annual Verification and Validation (V&V) of FPDS data required by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP).
- Reporting of metrics for Treasury’s Procurement Statistics (ProcureSTAT) program.
- Reports of active and expiring contracts to help facilitate acquisition planning.
- The tool must stay up-to-date with FPDS and the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and include the following capabilities:
- A customized website with reporting capabilities for up to 750 individual Treasury user accounts with dashboards and reports that is tailored to and based on Treasury’s organizational structure.
- Data checks, based on FAR-based logic, that target as many elements of Treasury FPDS Contract Action Reports (CAR) as practicable (continuous improvement of the data checks is highly desirable—beyond maintaining currency with the FAR).
- Creation of associated dashboards and reports for reporting results of data checks and provide trends and analysis.
- Individually targeted emails to the data submitter alerting them of potential data check issues on each submitted FPDS action.
- Summary alerts and a customer-tailored data check exception review process involving Treasury’s contracting oversight personnel.
- A list of Treasury’s FPDS actions compiled in accordance with Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Verification and Validation (V&V) guidance and a detailed data check report for each contract action on the list.
- Maintenance of the website and dashboards as an inherent part of the service.
- Live technical support via phone and email during normal business hours.
- Live and webinar user training sessions as deemed necessary by Treasury.
Vendor may be required to regularly work with Treasury’s administrators for specific data and report customization requests and should also be provided full administrative access to dashboards, reports and permissions management.
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