Treasury Draft RFQ: PROviding Treasury Enterprise Cybersecurity Technology and Services (PROTECTS) multiple award BPA

Notice ID: 2032H5-24-Q-00009

The GSA ID RFQ for this notice is 1673798.  This notice is to inform industry that the Department of Treasury is seeking feedback from capable vendors for this DRAFT request for quote (RFQ) for PROviding Treasury Enterprise Cybersecurity Technology and Services (PROTECTS).  All responses are due via GSA eBuy.

Treasury encourages and appreciates comments and or questions related to the draft RFQ and its attachments. Response to this DRAFT RFQ shall be made through attachment 4 through eBuy.  The Treasury may or may not release answers to the questions recived. All industry feedback will be reviewed and considered. Questions and comments are due on February 02, 2024, at 10:00 am EST.

The PROviding Treasury Enterprise Cybersecurity Technology & Services (PROTECTS) program serves as a framework and solution set to standardize solutions and operating models in providing cybersecurity services across the enterprise both within individual Bureaus and DO and at an enterprise level. PROTECTS helps furnish the best cybersecurity services possible to Treasury, Treasury Bureaus and those federal government agencies who depend on Treasury for their financial management.

The purpose of this Performance Work Statement (PWS) is to describe Treasury and its Bureaus/DO requirements for the professional cybersecurity services necessary for operating SOCs, including improving capabilities and supporting SOC functions.  Core required services align to the following SOC service areas: information security incident management; vulnerability management; adversary and advanced operations; SOC architecture, engineering, deployment, and management; and SOC support activities.

In accordance with Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Category Management initiatives to manage common commodities and services in a more centralized manner, Treasury has developed this BPA for SOC services for Department of Treasury-wide utilization. This BPA provides a common framework for all SOC operations within the Department and standardizes roles and responsibilities for contractor support. The Department is composed of over 200,000 Federal permanent and temporary employees and contractors spanning bureaus and offices, all with their own management structures, budgets, and procurement organizations. This structure has resulted in mission success for individual organizations but did not leverage the collective buying power of Treasury and required duplicative work in managing responses to cybersecurity incidents. This BPA will provide a single Department-wide vehicle to maximize efficiencies, manage spend, reduce risk, and maximize productivity. This BPA has the capability to address all mission-critical requirements for each Bureau, thereby replacing the many diverse contract vehicles across Treasury and eliminating the multiple types of service contracts. The BPA will be open to the following Treasury Bureaus and Offices:

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)

Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP)

Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS)

Community Development Financial Institution Fund (CDFI)

Departmental Offices (DO)

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN)

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)

United States Mint (MINT)

Office of Inspector General (OIG)

Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)

Special Inspector General for Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP)

Special Inspector General – Pandemic Recovery (SIGPR)

Treasury envisions a multiple award BPA under which each awardee team can deliver the full scope of services described in this PWS, issued as individual Task Orders (TO). Optional tasks may be identified on each award allowing Bureaus/DO to order only those services needed.

More here.


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