TCG JV Portmanteau Secures Slots on OASIS+ and Polaris GWACs

Portmanteau JV–a TCG Inc. and PBG Consulting joint venture–has received awards on TWO government wide acquisition contracts (GWAC) — both the OASIS+ woman-owned small business pool and the $10 billion Polaris small business pool.

OASIS+ is on track to be designated as a Best-in-Class (BIC) contract, providing a single solution for complex requirements. This GWAC has a broad range of IT categories for enterprise solutions, management and advisory services, and more.

Polaris will be a small business GWAC for acquiring customized information technology (IT) services and IT services-based solutions. For Polaris, GSA is looking to expand the industry partner base, provide greater access to emerging technologies, simplify proposal submission requirements and improve the overall customer experience.

The Polaris GWAC includes a focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities, which TCG is uniquely positioned to support. In addition to this focus, Polaris includes a broad spectrum of IT services, including:

  • Cloud Services and Solutions
  • Software Development
  • Data Management and Analytics
  • IT Operations and Maintenance

TCG has a strong history in providing these services to the Federal government at agencies such as OMB, Treasury, DOT, SEC, USITC, and more.

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