Swingtech and ARETUM JV notch another DHS win – a $40M TSA Financial Support Services task on OASIS SB

This is the second contract win for Federal Miracle Tech (FMT), an SBA-certified 8(a) Mentor-Protégé Joint Venture, in support of the Transportation Security Administration, and it builds on the extensive and combined set of past performance and presence that partners Swingtech and ARETUM have developed across the Department of Homeland Security – HQ, CISA, TSA, and US Coast Guard.


This Accounting and Financial Support Services task was competed and awarded under the OASIS Pool 2 8(a) –  opportunity number 70T01024R6400N001.


 Led by Jyothi Bhargava, President / CEO at Swingtech Consulting Inc, this group is on the radar for many and is #onetowatch as we close FY 2024 and look to the year ahead.



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