Surge in potential Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Small Business IT Partners drawing attention

We are still in beta mode, so the Orange Slices team is closely monitoring metrics and search results to see what, if any, requirements stand out. One outlier item of interest over the past 90 days has been a surge in searches for small businesses with direct past performance and experience providing IT consulting services to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).  

In the interest of sharing, we have included below a list of the most-viewed company profiles that have resulted from those searches.  

** Please note that most viewed only indicates interest. Beyond what was stated above, we will not speculate here as to why these specific firms are drawing the most eyeballs but you can contact us here if you would like to receive our tip/cheat sheet outlining why some companies seem to gain more or less attention and/or if you want to make sure your company is added to the directory. 


Developed by a team of government and industry contracting subject matter experts, the data driven platform is a publicly available searchable listing of the top information technology and consulting services contractors doing business with the Federal government today. Driven by a robust and comprehensive set of authoritative and trusted data sources, the tool is intended to help government and industry leaders find the right partner to help deliver on the important missions of the Federal government. 



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