Notice ID: 1019430702

This Request for Information (RFI) is issued as market research to determine industry’s capabilities to provide a Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) suite of software tools, applications, and supporting cloud infrastructure services to provide an integrated, comprehensive ecosystem to include operating systems, business productivity tools, unified communications and collaboration solutions (UCaaS), comprehensive cloud services (PaaS, IaaS, SaaS), and a robust suite of enterprise security offerings to support the Department of State’s (“State”) global on-premises, mobile, and cloud environments.


  1. Solution must be compatible with State’s current OpenNet/ClassNet, GO Platforms, and cloud environments.
  2. Solution must be compatible with government data centers that are authorized to hold process-controlled information.
  3. Solution must include onboarding and technical support specialists to assist State customers in effectively utilizing the solution and its component tools and applications.
  4. Solution must be capable of sending real-time dashboard alerts regarding overall suite health and provide real-time and regular service updates with notifications specifying areas requiring attention.
  5. Solution must support custom domain creation and verification.
  6. Solution must offer the ability to link external data sources into proprietary suite applications to facilitate data analysis and visualization …

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