Notice ID: 19AQMM25N0101
The purpose of this document may also serve to establish a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with one vendor to provide IT-related performance auditing services to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of State (Department) and the United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) [formerly the Broadcasting Board of Governors]. The effort in support of the resultant Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) will be to assist the OIG in determining the effectiveness of the Department’s and USAGM’s information security programs and practices. In turn, this information will be used to assist OIG in complying with the requirements of the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA).
The objective is to obtain an independent, full scope audit of the Department’s annual financial statements[1] as of the end of the fiscal year to meet OMB’s mandated due date (generally November 15) and to comply with all related reporting requirements included in OMB Bulletin 24-02, as amended. Specifically, the contractor would need to:
- Determine and report on whether the financial statements and related notes present fairly, in all material respects, the entity’s financial position, net costs, changes in net position, and budgetary resources, in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
- Evaluate and report on internal control over reliability of financial reporting and compliance with laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements that could have a material effect on the annual financial statements.
- Review information system controls in the Department’s significant financial applications…
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