State Department RFI: Enterprise Desktop Virtualization, Application Virtualization, and Secure Remote Access Application Delivery Platform

Notice ID: 19AQMM25B0060

This Request for Information (RFI) is issued as market research to determine industry’s capabilities to provide an integrated suite of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software solutions to include an enterprise-grade, desktop and application virtualization that will support numerous Department missions and business processes.

The following qualifications and capabilities are mandatory requirements for any potential solutions addressing the needs outlined in this notice.  Vendors must assess these requirements carefully, and fully describe their ability to meet them:

  1. The solution should provide commercially proven, enterprise-grade consumer-off-the-shelf (COTS) products (no custom-built solutions) with demonstrated experience successfully deploying and operating the solution.
  2. The solution should be FIPS 140-2/140-3 (Federal Information Processing Standard) certified. Please specify the extent to which the solution is FIPS 140-2/140-3 certified.
  3. The solution should support the Department’s cybersecurity objectives through vendor neutral automation of the systems patching process to comply with the CISA patching Mandate Binding Operational Directive 2201 CISA (BOD 22-01) and Presidential Executive Order 14028 for Cybersecurity, Zero Trust and Secure Software Pipeline (White House EO 14028). Provide details regarding solution functionality focused on helping the Department meet these federal directives.
  4. The solution should offer a cloud computing platform that is able to support the full spectrum of Intelligence Community security levels having obtained Department of Defense (DoD) Impact Level 6 (IL6) certification for storage and processing of classified information up to the top-secret level.
  5. The solution should be compliant with Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) security standards and have Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) certification at the High Impact Level.
  6. The solution should be fully compliant with the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and vendor should be able to provide copies of the VPATs (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) supporting such compliance …

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