Protest Denial Decision: Air Force Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System (CAMPS) Sustainment, O&M Services – Solicitation FA8730-23-Q-B004

File: B-421592


  1. Protest challenging the agency’s evaluation of vendors’ professional employee compensation plans is denied where the record demonstrates that the agency’s evaluation was reasonable, consistent with the solicitation, and in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation provision 52.222-46. 2. Protest challenging the agency’s best-value determination is denied where the agency reasonably concluded that the protester’s slightly better technical quotation did not warrant a significantly higher price premium, and therefore reasonably made award to the lower-priced vendor.


The protester challenges several aspects of the agency’s evaluation of quotations and award decision. First, DPRA asserts that the Air Force misevaluated quotations under the technical subfactors and improperly assessed Netrist as presenting low risk. Protest at 2-4. The protester also alleges that the agency failed to meaningfully evaluate total compensation plans under FAR provision 52.222-46, conducted a flawed price analysis, failed to consider DPRA’s “exceptional” past performance, and issued an improper bestvalue decision. Id. at 4-9; Comments at 2-6. We have reviewed each of the protester’s allegations, and although we do not address all of the protester’s arguments, we conclude that none provides us with a basis to sustain the protest. Prior to discussing DPRA’s principal contentions below, we dismiss a number of challenges for either failing to state valid bases of protest or because they are untimely…


DPRA, Inc., a small business of Knoxville, Tennessee, protests the issuance of a task order to Netrist Solutions, LLC, of Charleston, South Carolina, under request for quotations (RFQ) No. FA8730-23-Q-B004, issued by the Department of the Air Force for consolidated air mobility planning system (CAMPS) sustainment, operations and maintenance services. The protester challenges the agency’s evaluation of quotations and the resulting award decision. We deny the protest.

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