If GSA build its, will they come?: The latest on this new government-wide Ascend Cloud Solutions BPA with Joe Salgado

GSA is preparing to release the first RFP on this high-profile multiple-award Cloud Solutions (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) BPA. Many vendors have been openly questioning whether there is a market for this type of vehicle based on the stringent requirements, while others are known to be actively working with GSA to influence how the agency can make this easy to use for both vendors and government customers.

With the release of the RFP  on the near horizon, David Blackburn recently caught up established GWAC and IDIQ subject matter expert Joe Salgado, General Manager – IDIQs and GWACs with Red Team Consulting, to discuss GSA’s upcoming Ascend BPA for cloud services. Joe provides an overview of this requirements share a few concerns, and some tips for potential bidders weighing a bid. 

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To get in touch with Joe, connect with him on LinkedIn.
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