PBGC RFP: Budget Department Management System (BDMS) Implementation & Support Services IDIQ

Notice ID:  47QFAA24R0004

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) seeks to obtain contractor support with expertise interfacing with existing Federal software systems. Preference for contractor support who has experience with at least one of the following interfaces:

  • Federal Financial Management Systems (e.g., Oracle’s e-Business Suite Federal Financials),
  • Federal Acquisition Management Systems (e.g., Unison’s PRISM),
  • Federal Shared Services Human Resources (HR) Systems (e.g., Department of the Interior HR System.

The contractor will be responsible for working with the Budget Department (BD) customer area located in the Office of Management and Administration (OMA).  The Budget Department is responsible for managing and coordinating the formulation and execution of PBGC’s budget, ensuring that the Agency’s budget is executed within the resources provided, managing the allocation and reallocation of resources, including full time equivalent (FTE) work years, leading and overseeing the planning and cross departmental coordination that helps support the changes in workload resulting from pension plan terminations, expanded multiemployer plan assistance, increased requests for standard terminations, and corporate efforts to prevent plan terminations or other requirements.

The contractor will be responsible for working with the Business Innovation Services Department (BISD) in the Office of Information Technology (OIT).  BISD provides IT program, project, and contract management for all PBGC’s business systems and ensures IT programs and projects are managed with best practices and disciplined approaches. One of the four divisions in BISD is Corporate Management Services Division (CMSD) and this contract will be managed by BISD/CMSD Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). The contractor will be responsible for working with three other departments in OIT and the Financial Management Services Division (FMSD) for integration with financial systems.  The Program Management Innovation Division (PMID) enables the four services divisions with standardized processes, methodologies, tools, approaches in Agile, Program Management and Project/Product Management.

Scope – Specific services, responsibilities, and details will be outlined in BDMS task orders. The sections below provide a high-level overview and description of the work.

Agile at PBGC: BISD has successfully adopted a modified Agile SCRUM approach and envisions that PBGC’s Contractor partner will conduct change management activities to acclimate PBGC’s business area stakeholder, the Budget Department, with the Contractor’s proposed Agile approach leveraging BISD’s guiding principles of people, process, and technology. A company-level Agile certification is not required.

People: A project’s success begins with a tight partnership between BISD’s IT Product Manager, business-area Product Owner, and Contractor Product Manager & ScrumMaster enabled by the Contractor team. Additionally, the Contractor’s Project Manager (PM) and corporate executives will function with the Federal IT and System Owner’s Project/Product team. This three-way partnership (business, BISD and Contractor) will lead to successful implementation and overall management of IT systems. PBGC’s Federal Product Owners and Product Managers are typically Scrum Alliance Certified, and PBGC’s Federal Product Managers are also PMI® PMP certified.

Process: PBGC successfully adopted a modified Agile SCRUM approach for major modernization projects. Unlike traditional SCRUM and continuous integration practices, finished work from each sprint is queued up with that of other sprints as part of a Release Train. Once all the sprints in the Release Train have been completed and undergone thorough User Acceptance Testing, the Release Train can then be pushed to PBGC’s Production environment. PBGC recognizes that Agile neither reduces/eliminates robust and proven PMI® Project Management disciplines and practices nor reduces/eliminates sound systems engineering documentation. All system engineering efforts must comply with PBGC’s IT Solutions Life Cycle Management (ITSLCM) framework which provides the …

Technology: Program, Project and Portfolio Management (P3M), PBGC’s Microsoft Project Online and SharePoint IT solution utilized by the IT project management community, complemented with PBGC’s DevOps tool chain as illustrated in the diagram below (Microsoft on-prem DevOps Server 2020). All the Sprints and artifacts shall be developed and managed in the DevOps Tool.

Integrated Project Team (IPT): PBGC has a larger IPT as illustrated in Figure 1: People Diagram that includes the Information System Security Privacy Officer (ISSPO), Information System Security Manager (ISSM), Infrastructure Security Representative, Privacy Officer, Enterprise Architect (EA), and Infrastructure Representative. This IPT is led by the Federal IT Product Manager, Contractor Product Manager, and Business Product Owner. The larger IPT must meet regularly, to ensure that PBGC technical requirements are met and to identify and mitigate any risks or issues. Agile procedures must be followed in maintaining …

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