NOAA RFQ: Development of a new CWT database from records

Notice ID: 1333MF24Q0053

The Alaska Regional Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) seeks to develop a 2024 database of all coded wire tagged (CWT) release groups of West Coast salmon and their status as originating from evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

This contract is for one job of professional services to develop a CWT database based on regulations in the current and past Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) regarding ESA, new CWT release groups, and any updated information on previously reported CWT release groups with options for database development in additional years.

The contractor shall accomplish the assigned work by employing qualified personnel with appropriate combinations of education, knowledge, and experience.  Contractor personnel shall have the demonstrated experience with the software, and appropriate development language, as well as the necessary experience and education in fisheries science to fulfill project requirements. The Contractor shall provide the necessary resources and infrastructure to manage, perform, and administer the contract.  It is anticipated that this project will utilize a database and GIS analyst and at least one qualified fisheries scientist.  Review and interpretation of current and past CFR regarding ESA regulations relevant to West Coast salmonid populations require specialized fisheries science expertise. Also, gathering information for the 13 additional fields in the database (Task 3) may require expert review and interpretation of hatchery program documents. Fisheries knowledge in the areas of Pacific salmon life history, salmon genetics (for determining broodstock origin), salmon ecology, ESA regulations specific to West Coast salmonids, etc. is essential…

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