Noblis Announces CIO Retirement and Transition Plan

Noblis, a leading provider of science, technology and strategy services to the federal government, today announced that Gail Hogan will retire from her position as vice president and chief information officer (CIO) on April 5, 2024, following a 44-year distinguished career with the company. Noblis has initiated an executive search, open to internal and external candidates, to appoint the new CIO. Hogan will have a significant role in the selection process and transition while maintaining her current responsibilities through retirement.
“Gail has been a driving force at Noblis,” said Mile Corrigan, Noblis president and chief executive officer. “Together with her team, she’s built a highly resilient and secure enterprise infrastructure and delivered transformational IT services that have lasting impacts on Noblis missions and those of our customers. I want to thank her for her many years of service and leadership and her significant contributions to help Noblis evolve into the science and technology organization it is today.”
Hogan began her tenure with Mitre, the company from which Noblis was born, in the Publications and Graphics division before quickly moving into IT automation and systems administration. Following several promotional moves, she was recruited to stand up the enterprise technical architecture at Mitretek, which was renamed Noblis in 2007, to enable the new business and position it for growth. Throughout her time at Noblis, Hogan has worked across functional boundaries to deliver exceptional IT services and transition enterprise systems to new platforms and services—including the cloud-first strategy that prepared the company for seamless operations during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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