NOAA Sources Sought: National Ocean Service (NOS) Office for Coastal Management (OCM) Coastal Geospatial Services

Notice ID: REQUIREMENTS-23-1079

The NOS OCM is responsible for collecting geospatial data throughout the U.S., including all coastal and Great Lakes states, commonwealths, freely associated states, possessions and territories. Geospatial data collection services are essential for OCM’s mission to protect the nation’s coastal areas and communities. Additionally, this geospatial data is vital in the sustainment and usefulness of the Digital Coast, a comprehensive information repository for the nation’s coastal management community, providing data, tools, and training most needed by coastal communities looking to address pressing coastal issues.

Contractor support services are necessary to conduct geospatial data collection and analysis services to provide NOAA with accurate data, geospatial products, and training that will be distributed via the Digital Coast.

For each task order issued, the Contractor shall provide all of the services, as specified in the task order Statement of Work. The scope of each task order includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Lidar, radar, imagery, or other data acquisitions using multiple platforms including, but not limited to, aerial, satellite, subaquatic, and unmanned vehicles.
  2. Thematic mapping (e.g., land use / cover, impervious surfaces, wetland and benthic habitats) including training data/ ancillary data collection and processing, supervised classification (including methods using machine learning and/or deep learning algorithms), quality assurance and editing, and accuracy assessment.
  3. High-resolution topographic/bathymetric product generation.
  4. Coastal engineering, survey and control services, including, but not limited to, the use and installation of in-situ instrumentation, and airborne Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology.
  5. Geospatial Services including geospatial data and map service development, data management, data conversion, data integration, data analysis, data modeling, data visualization, database development, cartographic production, and socioeconomic analysis Geospatial Training and technical assistance

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