NOAA NESDIS RFI: Office of Systems Architecture & Engineering (SAE) User Testing Service

Notice ID: NOAASAE-UserTesting-2024

SAE’s mission is to provide a systematic approach to requirements, satellite architecture planning, strategic planning, and systems engineering. This approach is used to provide critical business information and analysis to support NOAA and NESDIS’ strategic observing system investment planning.

The time to conduct robust, professional usability testing on NESDIS products and services is long past due. Through this testing, we will be able to avoid costly mismatches between digital products and customer expectations and needs. We will be able to better ensure that the products and services we provide can be successfully used by customers and suit their needs. Usability testing reduces risk (of failed products and services) and helps to point developers in the right direction to maximize value to our users.

General Specifications – Required:

  • Ability to set up a test of a website or digital product with a remote user
  • A variety of available templates for setting up the usability test
  • Ability to record (both voice and screen) the test session
  • Ability to use our own test subjects
  • Ability to use platform to recruit participants
  • Ability to test a wide range of digital products
  • Ability to provide a written transcript and add time-stamped comments to the test session recording
  • Ability to schedule testing
  • Ability to assess usability for SAE-owned Google Sites
  • Access for at least 10 admins and 50 collaborators
  • Access to a wide pool of service-supplied test subjects

Technical Specifications – Highly Preferred:

  • Live (moderated) testing capabilities
  • Unmoderated testing capability, including basic usability tests, card sorting, tree testing, d click tests
  • Advanced analytics with executive-level display
  • Proprietary machine learning model that can be applied to test results to surface key insights (reducing work of analysis)
  • Professional services, including test planning and development, test moderation, and analysis and reporting
  • No code deployment required–compatible with many environments (such as JIRA) and/or any digital prototype available through a link.
  • Ability to test non-digital prototypes as well
  • Support for a wide range of testing methodologies and approaches that go beyond task testing
  • Customers experience surveys and tracking
  • Testing templates and processes that are consistent with agile testing processes

Read more here.


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