Notice ID: 75N95024Q00346
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Office of Acquisitions (OA) on behalf of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) intends to negotiate and award a purchase order without providing for full and open competition to Information Management Services, Inc for SEER-Medicare linked and non-linked files.
Intended Source
Information Management Services, Inc
3901 Calverton Blvd, Suite 200
Calverton, MD 20705
Purpose and Objectives
To investigate the risk of autoimmune diseases in patients with cancer compared to those without and to assess the risk of autoimmune diseases among immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) users compared to other cancer therapy users and to estimate the annual prevalence/incidence of autoimmune diseases in those groups.
Project Description
The contractor shall provide the SEER-Medicare linked database dataset requested by the government. The presence of medical conditions will be assessed using Medicare claims from the MedPar, NCH, and Outpatient files.
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