Updated February 25, 2025
This was always destined to get done, but the news out earlier today seems to indicate that a major hurdle may have been cleared and that GSA will have a green light to move ahead unencumbered.
The government has stated that they agree there should be a judgment in favor of Q2 Impact (the protestor) with regard to the OASIS+ procurement at issue in this case.
Q2 Impact made their case. The government heard. Barring any other issue cropping up (there are plenty going around), this protest will not be one of them. We would expect to see Q2 Impact receive a Prime award in the near future.
Updated December 19, 2024
This may not be resolved before the Holiday break, but visions of sugar plums dancing in OASIS+ Primes’ heads as they head out for a few days is reasonable as GSA is taking aggressive steps to remedy the issues raised.
The short of it is that the parties became aware of a task order of potential interest to protestor Q2 Impact that has been proposed under GSA’s One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) contract vehicle, which is the subject of the current dispute. The parties have continued to meet and confer to discuss ways to potentially resolve the issue of Q2 Impact’s eligibility to compete for the aforementioned OASIS+ task order before that task order is issued.
The agency has now proposed amending the schedule to provide for immediate simultaneous briefing and resolution of the discrete, legal issue at the heart of this dispute – the proper legal interpretation of Section 889 and that statute’s implementing regulatory provisions in the FAR, which was the sole basis for the Government deeming Q2 Impact ineligible for an OASIS+ contract award.
If the Court adopts Q2 Impact’s proposed interpretation, the parties anticipate that the Government would then promptly re-evaluate Q2 Impact’s OASIS+ proposal pursuant to that interpretation, likely resolving the present dispute.
Details on the specifics of the issue raised are included below.
Updated December 11, 2024
While a protest is still brewing in the courts (Details Below for Premium Sponsors), the lone known GAO protest has been dismissed.
Protester: DANE LLC
Solicitation Number: 47QRCA23R0001
File number: B-421775.18
Outcome: Dismissed
Decision Date: Dec 11, 2024
OS AI Note: Dismissed or Withdrawn does not necessarily mean resolved, and it can oftentimes indicate proactive steps taken by the government to address deficiencies or issues raised in the protest. More will be shared if it is made available.
Track All Related GAO Activity Here.
- GSA announces awardees for OASIS+ Small Business Set Aside contract
- Activate, Align, Succeed: OASIS+ Success Starts Here – Watch the Replay and Hit the Ground Running
- The Peel Podcast: Winning on OASIS+ by developing a game plan for success with Katie Helwig. – Being awarded a Prime spot on this important contract vehicle is one thing, but winning the tasks is what really counts. Watch Here.
Updated December 5, 2024
Details have now been released showing that another fresh challenge has been put forth. Shared below are some known details as to the grounds for the challenge and the likelihood that this derails or significantly delays efforts by GSA.
A formal protest has been filed with the Court of Federal Claims by the QED Group (dba Q2 Impact). The challenge is unique in that it revolves around GSA’s conclusion that Q2 Impact is not qualified based on the representation in its proposal that it uses telecommunications equipment or services covered by section 889 of the John McCain FY 19 NDAA.
The government may not contract with an entity that uses telecom equipment implicated by section 889 as a substantial or essential component of any system or as a critical technology as part of any system unless covered under an exception. Q2 is claiming that it has a valid government-issued waiver.
As this appears to be centered around a single-issue there is some reasonable hope that this can be dealt with quickly, but as it stands now, a tentative schedule was outlined that does not show a final hearing until mid to late March of 2025.
More will be shared as it is made available.
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