Navy Sources Sought: Information Warfare Type Command (IW-TYCOM) Training and Readiness Program Strategic Planning, Project Management and Navy Warfare Training System (NWTS) Support

Notice ID:  20250000471
This Performance Work Statement (PWS) covers Strategic Planning, Project Management and technical and management support services to NAVIFOR, Suffolk, VA
The contractor shall support NAVIFOR in performing Strategic Planning and Project Management and Readiness & Training oversight functions and management of unit level requirements, plans, mission execution and assessment as the IW TYCOM for administrative chain of commanders supporting Numbered Fleet Commanders and platform TYCOMs in IW disciplines and capabilities per COMUSFLTFORCOMINST 5450.10 (Series), Mission, Functions, and Tasks of Commander, Naval Information Forces.
The contractor shall provide
  1. technical support to NAVIFOR functions in support of Strategic Planning, Project Management and NWTS processes to include METL development in accordance with Chapter 2 of OPNAVINST 3500.38C, Universal Naval Task List (UNTL) Manual.
  2. NWTP Development per the NWTS and the JTS.
  3. Technical support for the Navy Readiness Reporting Enterprise (NRRE) family of systems. This includes the Navy Readiness Reporting System-Business Intelligence (NRRE-BI), Navy Training Information Management System (NTIMS), Personnel Figure of Merit (PFOM), and Maintenance Figure of Merit (MFOM) web-enabled applications, and any required assessment-phase analytical services which may include related technical services associated with the DON Jupiter enterprise data & analytics platform, The Joint Cyber Warfighting Architecture (JCWA) Unified Platform (UP) and any current or future DON or DOD readiness analytics and data visualization environments required by the Navy readiness reporting policy & guidance.
  4. Strategic Planning and project management support across the NAVIFOR N7 portfolio.
  5. Task management, integrated planning, strategic communication, technical, and administrative support functions for NAVIFOR requirements including Information Warfare Training Committee functions.
  6. An integrated support team that can balance, integrate, align, and synthesize long term strategic objectives with the execution of near term programs, projects and plans.
The period of performance is a base year plus four option years.

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