Notice ID: M0026425R0004
The Training and Education Command (TECOM) AC/S, G-3 JIB, MCB Quantico, Virginia is seeking potential sources to provide professional support services to assist the TECOM G-3 in their mission as the Marine Corps Office of Primary Responsiblity (OPR) for the Joint Training Exercise and Evaluation Program (JTEEP), by providing on-site Functional, Research, and Technical Support Services.
There are two primary objectives for this requirement:
- Provide support to the AC/S, G-3, TECOM JIB, in the design and implementation of JTEEP initiatives, specifically the Joint National Training Capability (JNTC) Program.
- Provide liaison for JTEEP coordination (operational and technical) between the TECOM and VD JS J-7 Suffolk.
The Contractor team must have the capability to draw upon education, knowledge, experience, and/or demonstrated skills in the following areas:
- DOD Joint Training Exercise and Evaluation Program
- Joint Doctrine Development System (JDDS)
- Force Design 2030
- National Security Policy and Directives
- Joint Capability Integration and Development System
- Joint Operating Concepts
- Joint Warfighting Concept
- Training and Education 2030
- Joint Training Manual for the Armed Forces of the United States (CJCSM 3500.03E)
- Joint/MAGTF Operations
- Marine Corps Mission, Structure, and Vision & Strategy
- Naval and Marine Corps Warfighting Concepts
- Joint Task Force Capable Headquarters
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