Notice ID: 5000190254
This is a Souces Sougnt Notice (SSN) for small businesses capable of performing Enterprise Research and Analysis Services (ERAS) for the Internal Revenue Service Office of the Chief Risk Officer (OCRO) as described in the attached draft PWS.
The primary task of this requirement is to secure expert risk and audit sciences (research, analysis, and statistics) support to assess, prioritize, and mitigate the potential negative impacts of Enterprise risks and audit findings which could adversely affect the IRS’s mission. The objective is to ensure security risks or threats having the potential to affect IRS operations are deterred, detected, and mitigated in a timely and effective manner.
The OCRO organization is seeking expertise in the following areas: Emerging Risk Research & Analysis, Data Analytics & Performance Measures, Enterprise Audit Management, Planned Corrective Action (PCA) Monitoring & Analysis, and Incident Response Management. OCRO also requires contractor expertise for senior leadership advisory services to facilitate process improvement, organizational studies, and goal setting to improve the overall effectiveness and impact of OCRO services provided to stakeholders, employees, and customers.
Base Year: date of award through 1 year – 07/11/2025 to 07/10/2026
- Option Year 1: 12 months – 07/11/2026 to 07/10/2027
- Option Year 2: 12 months – 07/11/2026 to 07/10/2028
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