Notice ID: 2032H5-24-Q-00126
The objective of this Performance Work Statement (PWS) is to acquire support to assist the eA3 Program in planning, requirements, architecture, design, technical integration, and release/deployment planning activities associated with the delivery of digital capabilities. The Contractor shall provide experience, engineering thought leadership and institutional knowledge to assist with research and design work including prototypes, proof of concept designs, and demonstrations in sandbox environments to test new innovations and emerging technologies to respond to regulatory demands as needed. The scope and purpose of this effort overall includes assurance of the following:
- Stakeholder interests are identified and addressed.
- Program and project planning, monitoring, assessments, and performance are effectively performed to ensure to the maximum extent possible successful project execution.
- Program and Project communications are timely, accurate, and effective in promoting and distributing eA3’s goals, objectives, and updates.
- OneSDLC and Agile best practices are followed.
- Provide engineering and transformation support to further IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) Initiatives and Emerging Technologies.
- Executive Response communication and strategy (Strategy, Vision Definition, and Goal Setting)
- Provide technical integration, engineering/architecture support, and modernization support to further IRA Initiatives and Emerging Technologies
Program support is required in the specialized areas of digital identity, credentialing, authentication, authorization, access management, and fraud control. The IAM (Identity Access Management) portfolio consists of Secure Access Digital Identity, Authorization Framework, and the eSignature programs. The Contractor shall provide a thorough understanding of IRS IT requirements and environment(s). The Contractor shall provide hands-on experience of coordinating successful IRS IT initiatives with IRS IT delivery partners and business stakeholders. Focused program support is required in these areas to ensure progress towards innovation, modernization, and alignment with the IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan (2023-2031). The activities and responsibilities of the Contractor will include those identified under the task areas listed below. These tasks will be used to provide program support services for the eA3 program. The effort will require applicable knowledge of NIST 800-63 standards, and any future revisions and knowledge of Treasury’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.
During this effort, the Contractor will be required to demonstrate:
- Expertise of Identity Credentialling and Access Management (ICAM) within a federated fraud framework and engineering expertise of various Enterprise Federal ICAM modernization strategies
- Hands-on engineering experience of working closely with IT stakeholders across IRS Enterprise Services, Solutions Engineering, Platform Engineering, Application Development, Cyber Security, etc.
- Expertise in modernizing Authentication, Authorization, and Access methodologies including Attributes Based Access Control (ABAC), Zero Trust, Multifactor Authentication, Electronic Signature and Digitalization Integration.
The performance period of this Task Order shall be 12 months with two 12-month option periods.
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