HUD Sources Sought: Statistical and Economic Data Analysis

Notice ID: 86615724OSI2SS

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) investigates possible discrimination under the Fair Housing Act and other authorities. The Office of Systemic Investigations (“the Office) investigates complaints alleging discrimination that is pervasive, institutional in nature, or affects a substantial number of people. In addition, the Office identifies targets for Secretary-initiated investigations, based on analysis of public information. The Offices investigations often involve mortgage lending issues such as denial and pricing disparities; discrimination in the availability, funding, or siting of assisted housing; policies screening prospective tenants in the private market; and other issues. They bring together experts in economics, statistical analysis, law, and investigations. The Office also works on systemic fair lending and fair housing issues based on other regulatory authorities, including for example, reviewing regulations issued by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA); and conducting investigations under Title VI of The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.

The contractor shall have expert knowledge of economic and statistical methodologies for Fair Housing investigation.

The Contractor shall provide statistical and economic analysis to support HUD’s Office of Systemic Investigations to further HUD’s mission of building inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination. Task shown below are detailed in Section 5 of the attached draft PWS:

  • Project Management
  • Data Analysis Support
  • Statistical and Economic Research Reports

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