HUD RFP: Risk Management & Capital Assessment Projections (RMCAP)

Notice ID: 24-0003

Risk Management & Capital Assessment Projections (RMCAP) purpose is to ensure that the cash flows, net assets, and valuations arising from the mortgage insurance and financial transactions of the Single-Family Mortgage Insurance program and the level, direction, and implications of the risks to the Single-Family Mortgage Insurance program are made clear.

Single-Family Mortgage Insurance program includes all FHA loan programs other than multi-family and health care facility programs and may include new single-family programs. Current Single-Family Mortgage Insurance program programs include programs under Titles I and II of the National Housing Act.

FHA has employed a variety of financial and statistical models to project its loan performance and cash flow transactions. These models have often used econometric or actuarial techniques. FHA has relied on database systems capable of manipulating the large amount of data related to FHA loan performance. These models are referred to as NPV, ROA, and CSR models.

Transactions associated with the FHAs guarantee programs for single-family mortgages are recorded in accounts of the federal government known as the FHA insurance funds. Cash flows on these insurance policies result from both FHAs insurance operations and from transactions mandated by federal credit reform. Aggregate Single-Family Mortgage Insurance program cash flows and balances are reported monthly. Underwriting, servicing and property disposition information on FHA-insured loans and the resulting cash flows and accumulated net assets of the insurance operation reside on multiple systems.

The Contractor shall provide risk management statistical models, cash flow and valuations arising from the mortgage insurance and financial transactions support services. The services are performance based and will be performed at the Contractor’s site. The competitive contract requirement is needed no later than March 17, 2024. There are no exceptions within this requirement and the awardee should be 508 Compliant.

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